•ิ.•ั啊哈!各位寶貝大大悶尼們豪芽 ~ 尼豪 ~ ♥﹏ ♥ ☃『唉呦,,真肆的ˋ︿ˊ我在發癲瘋;︴ ☃尼悶還不是我的寶貝哇~~~』 ☃想當我的寶貝嗎?! ☃『老天爺啊~ 我怎麼漢尼阿自戀勒 ︾︽︾』ღღღღღღღღღ ☃我想當尼的寶貝芽 ~ !! ☃『救救我這自戀可憐人拔 ▪∩▪ 』 ☃寶貝~~~~ 『發瘋中...真㊣瘋子』 ➸我速︴小雨≠寶貝ω°╳ ➸『那 a阿勒 ~ 怎麼有一點台灣狗語↔我玩蛋喇ˊˋ』 ☃叫我寶貝也行ˇ➸雨也行ˇ➸雨寶貝也歐給的 ˇ ☃還是要叫小若若芽?! ☃『怎麼覺得有淡薄阿噁心勒ˋ』本來就是╠ 巴 ~ ☃要多多來捧場我噢! ☃『為什麼要多來呢?要來看看我有沒有在發瘋啊?!自戀症狀 ☃好點了沒?!』*^÷^* 恩~ 我知道尼悶也在點頭中...... ☃所以要常來喔ˇ ☃︴雨≠寶貝ω°╳ 的台台永遠歡迎呦~ ♧♧♧我目前沒有在上班,也不想找工作♧♧♧ ♨賣東西要包裝 இ沒包裝沒人看 இ包裝好沒廣告沒人要 இ廣告好沒真材實料賣不久 ೀ日記就是我的包裝 ೀ照片就是我的廣告 ೀ交友千萬種人 ೀ但是還是要有人來留言給你阿 ೀ小雨用外表吸引你過來 ೀ用日記增加內涵 ೀ回留言來增進友情 ೀ用真誠來挑選交友對象 雨來愛情公寓的目的 1.現實同學玩,那我也玩看看 2.滿足虛榮心((主因)) 3.看看別人經營部落格 4.得到社會中各行各業的甘苦心得 5.或許有貴人會讓我賺大錢(投資,理財 6.獲得知識,三個臭皮匠勝過一個賈柏斯 7.看看或許有真正疼我的人 8.還不錯玩有些功能欠缺 那我來搞笑唄 9.結交到真正不錯的朋友 10.打發時間囉.學習到忍耐,耐心,恆心 ೀ有您們的鼓勵真好 ೀ認識您悶感恩 o(≧o≦)o ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ 關於愛情 ♡♡1.戀愛ing+++++ ೀ很重要看清楚嘞 ♡♡2.有很討厭的朋友嗎:有,一大堆 ♡♡3.承上題,你想跟他/她 說: 不要再做不要臉的事了 沒見笑 ♡♡4.親情友情二選(二):友情(好難選喔!)當然兩個都要咯 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ 1.什麼樣的男(女)性會引起你注意: ♥﹏ ♥自信.活潑~能有天真般的笑容更好~哈哈 2.選男(女)友的條件: ♥﹏ ♥千萬別太任性(太固執的也算)~最好是喜愛美食~~能吃不胖~那更好 3.會不會限制男(女)友的穿著: ♥﹏ ♥別只穿內衣出門~其他我都OK 4.男(女)生做什麼動作覺得美麗: ♥﹏ ♥能帶著開心的笑容去做任何事情 5.喜歡聰明的男(女)生嗎: ♥﹏ ♥別聰明到想害我就可以了啦 6.可以接受姊弟戀嗎: ♥﹏ ♥很歡迎丫 7.限制男(女)友的交友情況嗎: ♥﹏ ♥不會~別在外面亂來就好啦 8.會害怕男(女)友私底下跟其他異性有所來往嗎: ♥﹏ ♥怕好像沒用~所以就展現自己~要跑就給他跑嘍 9.嚮往跟男(女)友一起做的事情: ♥﹏ ♥吃美食.遊台灣跟裝潢自己的房間 10.會在意男(女)友以往的感情生活嗎: ♥﹏ ♥那些都是過去啦~重點是現在他跟我的感情生活這我才會在意 11.介不介意男(女)友身高: ♥﹏ ♥150~180之間OK啦 12.會不會嫌男(女)友管東管西很煩: ♥﹏ ♥碰到了的話~那就大家一起來管吧 13.和男(女)友吵架吵得一發不可收拾時該怎麼辦: ♥﹏ ♥先冷 靜一段時在找個台階個給自己下 14.男(女)友一定要浪漫嗎: ♥﹏ ♥有的話~是很好啦~但可遇不可求 15.發現男(女)友手機裡有其他異性傳的簡訊或來電紀錄時: ♥﹏ ♥一般朋友很OK~要是其他的話~那只是殺啦 16.父母反對你交男(女)友嗎: ♥﹏ ♥打死不會 17.男(女)友做什麼事會讓你覺得浪漫: ♥﹏ ♥傳封關心的簡訉~就很滿足了 18.覺得在男(女)友面前做什麼事最丟臉: ♥﹏ ♥不懂裝懂 19.走在街上通常比較會看哪種類型的異性: ♥﹏ ♥打扮的很台的男生 20.當男(女)友成就比你高時怎麼辦: ♥﹏ ♥辛苦你了~我會更努力的 21.如果男(女)友是大男(女)人主義時怎麼辦: ♥﹏ ♥那就是任性啦~只好早早分手~別誤了女生的青春 22.和男(女)友做哪種親密接觸最能感到甜蜜: ♥﹏ ♥擁抱 23.當女友看到男友看A片打手槍這件事的看法: ♥﹏ ♥只能說~請他門關好 24.喜歡跟男(女)友牽手嗎: ♥﹏ ♥很喜歡 25.談戀愛時都怎麼稱呼男(女)友的: ♥﹏ ♥不是外號就是名字未二碼~打死都不會叫什麼北鼻跟寶貝 26.如果有一天男(女)友要強吻你時怎麼辦: ♥﹏ ♥趕快吃辣椒 27.男(女)友做什麼事讓你覺得痛苦: ♥﹏ ♥搞冷戰 28.如果交到一個家裡很窮的男(女)友時該怎麼辦: ♥﹏ ♥那就大家一起努力吧 29.對哪種男(女)人最不感興趣: ♥﹏ ♥自以為是~臭屁~還有宅到極點的人 30.男(女)性讓你覺得特別有魅力的地方: ♥﹏ ♥有自信就很夠了 31.男(女)友的父母不喜歡你怎麼辦: ♥﹏ ♥那只好努力在努力啦~真的不行~就留下一段回憶之後~說拜拜啦 32.出去玩男(女)友要幫你出錢嗎: ♥﹏ ♥習慣就好 33.會因為在男(女)友面前而不敢罵髒話嗎: ♥﹏ ♥不會,罵的更兇 34.對於兇男(女)友或打男(女)友的男生看法是: ♥﹏ ♥大笨蛋一個~一定有更好的方法,用電擊棒電他就好 35.如果男(女)友是個脾氣不好的人時怎麼辦: ♥﹏ ♥那只好給他打嘍~等集滿點數~就可以分手了 36.發現男(女)友欺騙你時的第一個反應: ♥﹏ ♥很不爽 37.男(女)友做什麼事能感動你: ♥﹏ ♥知道我的喜好 38.通常你怎麼去定義這個人是好男(女)人: ♥﹏ ♥這用說不準 39.會不准男(女)友抽菸喝酒嗎: ♥﹏ ♥有抽的~應該都不會是我男朋友啦~喝酒到很ok,又不是沒去過酒店,夜店 40.跟哪一類型的男(女)性相處感覺自在: ♥﹏ ♥這類型太多了~唯獨高貴型我讓我很不自在 41.會在意男(女)友在你面前開黃腔嗎: ♥﹏ ♥看場合 42.如果和男(女)友之間出現第三者時怎麼辦: ♥﹏ ♥讓他去選吧~沒有都要這回事 43.能為男(女)友做的最大犧牲是: ♥﹏ ♥我的身體 44.如果可以對男(女)友做出無理要求會要求他做什麼: ♥﹏ ♥行的話~跟我分享你的生活的點點滴滴 45.如果男(女)友是個愛泡夜店的人時: ♥﹏ ♥哈~那就去吧~要記的回來就好 46.發現被男(女)友劈腿時怎麼辦: ♥﹏ ♥那只好說~~~我們分手吧 47.交男(女)友的前提是: ♥﹏ ♥自己要有閒跟有點錢 48.和男(女)友做什麼事會感到幸福: ♥﹏ ♥能笑笑的過一天就很不錯啦 49.能接受男(女)友的年紀範圍是: ♥﹏ ♥看感覺 50.如果一個月只能見到男(女)友一次的話: ♥﹏ ♥嗯~還是別誤了對方的人生 51.覺得男(女)友一定要會哪些事情: ♥﹏ ♥打麻將~煮飯最好還會打電動 52.如果男(女)友管妳穿得太少太露時怎麼辦: ♥﹏ ♥己回答過~請參觀上面 53.男(女)生做什麼事讓你覺得可愛: ♥﹏ ♥像小孩一般玩樂 54.男(女)友做什麼事讓你覺得生氣: ♥﹏ ♥過度任性~對我開出芭樂票時還裝自己沒錯 55.你能允許男(女)友有要好的異性朋友嗎: ♥﹏ ♥能有的話~最好了~因為我也有一個~如果能的話~也介紹給我認識吧 56.當男(女)友很照顧你身邊男性朋友時: ♥﹏ ♥很有問題~值得研究看看 57.所憧憬的愛情是: ♥﹏ ♥每天都有期待的過日子 58.如果男(女)友嫌妳廚藝不夠好時: ♥﹏ ♥那我來去學好了~我煮 59.如果男(女)友嫌你是太平公主時: ♥﹏ ♥嫌這個有點太過份了 60.會不會要求男(女)友身材: ♥﹏ ♥我會努力維持 61.如果男(女)友當眾做出很白目的事情: ♥﹏ ♥我一定笑的很大聲 62.會不會希望男(女)友從事什麼樣的職業: ♥﹏ ♥能是興趣方面就好 63.男(女)友做什麼事讓你感到丟臉: ♥﹏ ♥當眾不理我 64.男(女)友做什麼事讓你感到窩心: ♥﹏ ♥記得我的喜好 65.當男(女)友送你禮物時會作何反應: ♥﹏ ♥超開心的 66.如果自己是個平凡人而男(女)友是上流社會的大企業家時: ♥﹏ ♥要考慮清楚丫 67.請寫出印象最深刻的歷任男(女)友的名字: ♥﹏ ♥就前男友 68.請寫出最後悔莫及的歷任男(女)友的名字: ♥﹏ ♥哈~有是有~但是我自己知道就好 69.如果男(女)友忘記你生日時: ♥﹏ ♥還好~我朋友還記的就好 70.如果情人節男(女)友因忙碌而無法一起慶祝時: ♥﹏ ♥沒關係~補過就好 71.如果男(女)友告訴你他做春夢但對象不是你時: ♥﹏ ♥買一本解夢的書給他看 72.能允許男(女)友跟其他異性單獨出去嗎: ♥﹏ ♥信任是要靠時間培養的 73.有其男(女)性一直對自己男(女)友糾纏不清時: ♥﹏ ♥就看他是如何去選~我都接受的 74.會不會和男(女)友有專屬兩人的私密暗號: ♥﹏ ♥一定要有的~說出來~只會給自己找洞跳 75.如果有人想刻意挑撥你和男(女)友的感情時: ♥﹏ ♥猛k海k~加入黑名單~但防不完丫~就隨緣啦 76.如果得知自己最要好的朋友愛上男(女)友時: ♥﹏ ♥讓他去選 77.如果男(女)友是個醋罈子的話: ♥﹏ ♥不要太誇張就好 78.如果男(女)友跟你抱怨一整天的不順時: ♥﹏ ♥聽他說~行的話去散散心吃吃東西 79.當有人說你和男(女)友不相配時怎麼辦: ♥﹏ ♥我只哈哈~當沒聽到~因為我交男朋友不是他們 80.如果男(女)友是個花錢如流水的人時怎麼辦: ♥﹏ ♥為了自己的身家安全~只能早早說~去釣個獃子吧 81.會不會介意男(女)友還跟前男(女)友有所聯絡: ♥﹏ ♥要做壞事~我也防不了~就珍惜擁有他的時間就可以了 82.目前還有和前男(女)友聯絡嗎: ♥﹏ ♥都會有人找到我真是奇怪 83.在回答完這82題後會不會對自己男(女)友要求更高一點了: ♥﹏ ♥我真是平凡好相處丫~哈哈 ◆◆◆ 關於生活 1.姓名: 【 揪 】 2.年齡: 【 24 了拔! 】 3.出生年月日: 【 1988/02/14/ 】 4.性別: 【 女 】 5.目前學歷: 【 中游執行長 】 6.名字: 【 揪 】 7.暱稱: 【 揪 】 8.個版: 【 3861535 】 9.身高: 【 166 】 10.體重: 【 41~43 ~~45??^__^】 11.三圍: 【 我還在發育拉! 】 12.星座: 【 水瓶 】 13.血型: 【 0 】 14.有無近視: 【 有 】 15.近視幾度: 【 左右:175 】 16.學校/工作場地: 【 遠古時代 】 17.科系: 【 商經 】 18.年級: 【 畢 】 19.有無耳洞/個數: 【 有押 ?2 個 】 20.長髮/短髮: 【 中長 】 21.曾經養過什麼動物: 【 貓 ?鳥?老鼠?烏龜?狗 】 22.眼珠顏色: 【 黑色的 ! 】 23.有刺青嗎: 【 無 】 24.出生地: 【 台北市吧出生可能要問老媽確認一下 】 25.目前居住地: 【 台北市 】 26.喝過酒嗎: 【 當然有 】 27.幾歲開始喝酒: 【 忘了 】 28.抽過菸嗎: 【 我恨煙 】 29.幾歲開始抽煙: 【 就沒有咩! 】 30.談過幾次戀愛: 【 目前不公開 】 31.鞋子品牌: 【 名牌有,路邊攤有 】 32.喜愛食物: 【 巧克力?糖 】 33.專長: 【 瘋 】 34.口頭禪: 【 很多 也可以說沒有 】 35.個性: 【 怪 】 36.單身/已婚: 【 單身 】 37.有無女友/男友: 【 從缺 】 38.單、雙眼皮: 【 雙 】 39.印象最深的事: 【 跟另一半 】 40.生氣的時候會說: 【 #$%&*#@%$%?!@$~&*%$# 】 41.衝動的時候會: 【 #$%&*#@%$%?!@$~&*%$# 】 42.有沒有想不開的經驗: 【 有 】 43.什麼人會讓你討厭: 【 白目 】 44.喜歡交什麼朋友: 【 老公那類的 ?寶貝那類的 】 45.生活滿不滿意: 【 還好 】 46.有手機否: 【 有 我是21世紀的人 】 47.喜歡異性還是同性: 【 都喜歡 但是喜歡的感覺不同 】 48.有無香港腳 【 無 】 49.職業: 【 回答過了 】 50.最想去的地方: 【 北極看極光 】 51.有無染髮/頭髮顏色: 【 常換 】 52.最常去的KTV: 【 錢櫃 】 53.最喜歡的KTV: 【 不知道 】 54.必點的一首歌: 【 霸佔點歌台 】 55.印象最深的歌: 【 沒有 】 56.最恨別人點的歌: 【 倒退嚕 】 57.在KTV最愛吃的食物: 【 薯條 】 58.最喜歡的歌手: 【 很多 】 59.最討厭的歌手: 【 沒有 】 60.最喜歡的演員: 【 =ˇ= 】 61.最討厭的演員: 【 =ˇ= 】 62.最喜歡/最好看的漫畫: 【 嗄 ? 】 63.最討厭/最難看的漫畫: 【 無 】 64.最愛的服飾品牌: 【 超多 】 65.最常在哪買東西: 【 百貨特價品 】 66.最常看的書: 【 言情小說 】 67.最愛的書: 【 言情小說 】 68.絕不會再看第二遍的書: 【 目前沒有 】 69.最喜歡的書店: 【 就那幾家 】 70.喜歡的電影: 【 太多 】 71.喜歡的本土偶像劇: 【 螺絲要出嫁 】 72.喜歡的鄉土劇: 【 萬秀豬王 】 73.喜歡的日劇: 【 一公升的眼淚 ? 】 74.喜歡的韓劇: 【 沒有 】 75.手機廠牌/門號: 【 幾乎台灣的都有 】 76.手機顏色/代言人: 【 都有 】 77.第一次約會的地點: 【 學校 】 78.第一次暗戀的時間: 【 國小拔 】 79.初吻的年紀: 【 13 】 80.第一次交女/男朋友的日期: 【 沒有 】 81.印象最深的古人: 【 龍英抬 】 82.印象最深的詩詞: 【 = ˇ =很多 】 83.最想生活在哪個朝代: 【 現在。 】 84.最討厭的東西: 【 臭蟲 】 85.最愛的人: 【 老公 寶貝悶 】 86.最難過的事: 【 狗死了 】 87.想要怎樣的死法: 【 自然死 】 88.希望屍體如何被處置: 【 火葬。 】 89.喜歡的運動: 【 不要動 】 90.喜歡的季節/天氣: 【 秋 / 貓最喜歡秋天?我很喜歡楓葉?顏色很漂亮 】 91.最欣賞的籃球員: 【 沒有 】 92.最欣賞的棒球員: 【 沒有 】 93.最欣賞的足球員: 【 沒有 】 94.喜歡的花: 【 沒有 】 95.來生想當什麼: 【 貓 】 96.想成為怎樣的人: 【 好人 】 97.最害怕的事: 【 跟老公分開 】 98.生過最大的病: 【 眼睛的問題拔 可是還沒好 】 99.在家最常做事: 【 花錢逛街玩電腦看電視吃飯洗澡睡覺 】 100.再見到初戀情人最想說的話: 【 不知道 】 101.早上起來說的第一句話: 【 什麼話都沒說 】 102.有無MSN或即時通/帳號: 【 有尚未公開 】 103.手機鈴聲: 【 2n1 】 105.愛喝的飲料: 【 珍奶。奶茶。綠茶。 】 106.愛看的雜誌: 【 沒有 】 107.最想見的人: 【 瞭解我的人就知道 】 108.最想扁的人: 【 目前沒有 】 109.喜歡的顏色: 【 橘 】 110.喜歡的動物: 【 貓 】 111.當你一手骨折,一手脫臼,卻有隻蟑螂在你臉上爬,你會: 【 轉圈圈甩掉牠 】 112.喜歡KINKI的剛還是光一(必選一個): 【 他是誰 】 113.最愛的酒名: 【 冰火 】 114.欣賞的作家: 【 九把刀? 】 115.沒錢沒東西吃又肚子餓的時候會: 【 找媽媽 】 116.將來打算生幾個小孩: 【 8 】 117.想對計程車司機說的話: 【 你可不可以開快一點 】 118.想對父母說的話: 【 謝謝你悶 我長大會賺錢養你悶的 】 119.求婚時會做什麼說什麼: 【 我不會求婚 ! 】 120.被惡整的時候,想報復的話,會怎麼報復: 【 嘿嘿 到時候就知道了 】 121.生平最怕的人: 【 皇后 】 122.幸運數字: 【 沒有 】 123.對於油電雙漲的看法: 【 我不清楚 】 124.最感激的一個人: 【 自己 】 125.座右銘: 【 沒有 】 126.如果可以幫自己取名字,你想叫什麼: 【 萌 】 127.被搶劫的時候會: 【 打他 】 128.認為最好的廁所讀物: 【 在廁所看書= = 】 129.喜歡的武俠小說: 【 沒有 】 130.喜歡的武俠人物: 【 沒有 】 131.家裡是否用寬頻/isp業者: 【 有 】 132.有沒有上過色情網站: 【 有 .. 不知道那是什麼才點的 =ˇ= 】 133.家裡電腦中央處理器品牌: 【 沒有拔 】 134.認為現在愛情公寓好不好用: 【 差逕 】 135.喜歡的女子類型: 【 老公那型的 】 136.討厭的女子類型: 【 就是那樣啊 】 137.通常都上什麼網頁: 【 購物 】 138.最討厭別人問你: 【 你是混血兒嗎 】 139.走在街上最長遇到: 【 搭訕 】 140.最討厭人家叫你什麼名字: 【 = = 】 141.最喜歡人家叫你什麼名字: 【 寶貝 】 142.最想要別人稱讚你什麼: 【 你唱歌好好聽 】 143.最不想要別人稱讚你什麼: 【 怪人 】 144.早上起來第一件事是做什麼: 【 睜開眼睛 】 145.早上通常吃什麼早餐: 【 不一定 】 146.當一個人孤單時會最想誰: 【 老公 & 寶貝悶 還有一些人 】 147.當一個人孤單時最想去哪裡: 【 躲起來 在被窩裡 】 148.最愛看的電視節目: 【 = ˇ = 】 149.對天線寶寶的感想: 【 丁丁 】 150.如果可以你想當卡通裡的哪個角色/為什麼: 【 多拉 】 151.若你愛上了和你有血緣關係的人,你會: 【 放棄他摟 】 152.生離痛苦還是死別痛苦/為什麼: 【 不知道 】 153.對於塔羅牌的看法: 【 我不懂 】 154.用簡單的話描述對《逼逼A死》的感覺: 【 我哪知道 】 155.最喜歡小葉兒的哪篇美工: 【 他是誰 ? 】 156.最愛呆喵兒的哪篇文章: 【 嗄 ? 】 157.對於不守信的人要怎麼懲罰: 【 罵他 】 158.玩過什麼網路遊戲: 【 不玩 】 159.最想收到什樣禮物: 【 錢 】 160.最討厭別人作哪些事情: 【 剪指甲抽煙 】 161.喜歡自己嗎: 【 喜歡 】 162.有欺負的經驗嗎: 【 算有拔 】 163.路上看到乞丐你會: 【 給他錢 】 164.如果有多啦A夢的道具讓你選一個,你想要哪一種: 【 百寶袋 】 165.常用的洗髮精: 【 不一定 】 166.常用的香皂或沐浴乳: 【 不一定 】 167.常用的洗面乳: 【 不一定 】 168.常用的保養品: 【 香奈兒 】 169.一天洗幾次澡: 【 2次 】 170.有過裸睡的經驗嗎: 【 有 】 171.如花跟慧慈要你選一個你會選: 【 都可以 】 172.洗澡會洗多久嗎: 【 40分鐘 】 173.拍照最常擺的姿勢: 【 耶! 】 174.初戀人的名字: 【 不回答 】 175.初吻的地點: 【 真的忘了 】 176.睡前一定會做的事: 【 關燈?關門 】 177.有無固定修指甲: 【 有 】 178.對於男生女生的看法: 【 男性本色 ?男女平等 】 179.寫過幾次「我的志願」: 【 沒認真算過 】 180.喜不喜歡吃乖乖: 【 乖乖 ? 他可以吃噢 】 181.喜不喜歡吃巧克力: 【 超愛? 】 182.洗澡前作的第一件事: 【 開燈 】 183.有沒有被同性喜歡過: 【 我不知道 】 184.最討厭的老師是誰/為什麼?: 【 老頭 / 麥克風那麼大聲 你是耳包啊! 】 185.有沒有遇過最愛的老師/為什麼?: 【 明老師?佩老師 ?人很好 】 186.會不會樂器/會什麼: 【 當然會 ?痾 ... 】 187.覺得自己唱歌好不好聽/為什麼: 【 好聽 ?因為 就好聽啊! 】 188.每次上網第一個想去的網站or逼逼是裡: 【 我的相本 】 189.每次上網都會作些什麼: 【 回不完的訊息 】 190.一個月平均看幾本書(教科書不算): 【 不知道 】 191.小時候最喜歡的卡通是哪一部: 【 不知道 】 192.有沒有看電影的習慣: 【 有 】 193.喜歡哪類型的電影: 【 都可以 】 194.平常聽音樂是抓MP3還是買正版/盜版: 【 不知道 】 195.下雨的時候喜歡淋雨/撐雨傘/穿雨衣?: 【 淋雨 】 196.會不會為了附和朋友做自己不想做的事: 【 會! 】 197.從小到大做過最後悔的事是什麼/為什麼: 【 很多拔 】 198.停電的話會想等電梯可以用還是爬樓梯: 【 走樓梯 】 199.吃過仙人掌冰嗎?: 【 沒有 】 200.出過車禍嗎?: 【 沒有 】 201.小時候是爸爸打還是媽媽打/最怕被誰打: 【 拔 】 202. 最近在看的電視: ATARU,無價 203. 最近在做的事情: 睡= =" 204. 最近在聽的音樂: TARA 2NE1 205. 最近在吃的東西: 葡萄〈爸爸幾乎天天買!〉 206. 最近在看的報刊: 沒在看ㄝ... 207. 最近關心的話題: 臉書 208. 最近常去的地方: 阿美的店 209. 最近常想的異性: ㄜ...沒人值得讓我想! 210. 最近最想做的事: 拍一套有雪景的 211. 最近身體情況 : 老毛病~鼻過敏! 212. 最近理財狀況 : 哈~花超多的! 213. 對朋友最想說的話: 對不起~我不懂得表達自己有多喜歡你... 214. 對自己最想說的話: 大笨蛋!別再睡啦! 215. 想一個減肥的良方: 割肉...= =" 216. 記憶中做過最瘋狂的事情之一: 對老師說:我不要跑操場!或是~在安親班抓狂~桌椅全被我亂摔...不過~哈~老闆娘挺我!〈因為我說有個機車男欺負我!= ="〉 217. 喜歡K歌的程度: 瘋狂 218. 最喜歡吃的食物: 各式各樣的冰! 219. 最喜歡的水果: 草莓、蘋果、水蜜桃、櫻桃... 220. 最怕什麼: 病人〈我怕看到人家受苦的樣子和受傷的傷口,更怕人家被毀容、截肢之類的...縱使我知道他不是壞人...但是~沒辦法...我會怕!〉、鮮血、屍體、打針、痛...另一類的~小強!= =" 221. 現在最想做的事情: 快把這篇打完! 222. 你最遺憾的一件事情: 那天甩門沒打到那個八婆!ˋˊ 223. 短期的目標:發明愛瘋6.. 224. 最想買的東西: 洋娃娃!〈我好懷念以前抱著洋娃娃的日子喔!雖然現在還是有娃 娃...但不是我以前的那種"洋娃娃"!〉 225. 睡醒後第一個想念的人:睿爺~ㄚ我的早餐咧? 226. 當現實阻攔了理想,你該怎麼辦?: 標準放低~或是跟它拼了! 227. 你最不想什麼事情發生: 我喜歡的人都離我而去... 228. 當老天爺要給你一份大禮,你希望會是什麼?: 我希望有百寶袋...〈這要求不過分吧!?但祢不給我!!!〉 229. 在哪方面特別內行?: 睡覺...混吃等死= =" 230. 預估自己會拿多少的壓歲錢: 不敢期望太大...= =" 231. 你覺得電腦對你的重要性有多大: 沒它對我比較好...可是有它我會比較快樂... 232. 覺得做人難不難: 好難... 233. 現在幸福嗎 ?: 或許吧! 234. 如果一定要選一科被當,才能畢業你想選哪科: 我畢業了... 235. 喜歡曖昧期?: 討厭! 236. 對自己誠實嗎?: 一直都不誠實...= =" 237. 這個世界上你最珍惜的人?: 拔拔! 238. 最令自己心虛的事?: 跟自己討厭的人有說有笑...違背自己的良心ㄚ! 239. 什麼星座的人最討厭?: 又不準...每個星座都有敗類ㄚ! 240. 為了什麼開心不開心?: 為了周圍的人的心情而起伏! 241. 當你心情不好時,你會怎麼做?: 聽音樂獨自掉淚...ㄚ不然就大吼大叫兼"起肖" ㄚ! 242. 最想去哪個國家?: 無人島...有人的地方多多少少會夾雜著利慾薰心的人渣! 243. 你累了嗎?!: 我好累~想舒服的長眠...= =" 244. 為什麼這世界佈滿著心機重: 我也好想知道... 245. 什麼最重要?: Happy 246. 什麼最重要?: 承上題= =" 247. 如果老天爺給你時光機,你想要回到哪裡?: 高1的新生訓練 248. 願意為自己深愛的人做什麼事: 他如果值得的話...在不違反道德與法律等規範的情 況下...都OK吧! 點點點,點到誰就是幸運星 哈哈哈!!! :)) 就是你 噢!!寶貝 你真有耐性。 如果太短或不喜歡或有不知道哪裡在說沙密的再問唷^^ 等等等等還有喔!!!英文版的 Aha! Members Baby greatly stuffy Nigerian who ho bud of ~ Benny ho ~ ♥ ﹏ ♥ "Oh come on, really wantonly ︿ I freak out crazy; ︴ Nepal boring is not my baby, wow ~ ~ ~ Want to be my baby it? ! "God to me how Hanni A to narcissism Le ︾ ︽ ︾ I want to be a Nigerian baby bud ~! ! "Save the the of my narcissism poor people pull ▪ ∩ ▪" Baby ~ ~ ~ ~ "mad ... really ㊣ crazy." I speed ω ° ╳ ︴ pulling ≠ baby "That a the Aare to how little Taiwan Dog Whisperer ↔ I play egg La Call me baby line pulling pulling baby in Europe to the Or petit Jiujiu bud? ! "How do I feel the weak Arab nausea Le" originally ╠ bar to A lot to cheer me, Oh! "But why would it? To take a look at that I m not crazy? ! Narcissism Good point yet? ! "* ^ ÷ ^ * en ~ I know Nepal stuffy also nod ... So often come! Pulling ︴ ≠ baby ω ° ╳ of Taiwan and Taiwan is always welcome Yo ~ ◇ ◇ ◇ About love Different. Valentine: Evil. Asked with his / her development: Fuck you! Scattered a few months few No. birthday: Mom x also asked V. again with how long: Ask your A Wu. Loved him: ♥ ﹏ ♥ Slipped his love your: Who would have thought to ask ghosts! Is possessive: after! Tyrants. Hate friends: Yes, a lot of Pulling. Previous question, you say to him / her to say: Do not do shameful things not seen laughing The Stone family friendship Alternative (b): friendship (so hard to elect Oh!) Of course, the two should be slightly ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 1 What kind of male (female) sex will get your attention: ♥ ﹏ ♥ confident. Lively to naive smile better ~ haha 2. Elect Male (female) the Friends of conditions: ♥ ﹏ ♥ ten million Do not be too self-willed (too stubborn operator) to the best favorite cuisine to eat fat to better Will restrict the wearing of the male (female) friends: ♥ ﹏ ♥ Do only underwear to go out to the other I are OK 4 male (female) students do, feel beautiful: ♥ ﹏ ♥ can do anything with a happy smile Like smart male (female) students: ♥ ﹏ ♥ Do not smart enough to want to harm me on it! 6. Accept her brother Love: ♥ ﹏ ♥ very welcome Ah 7. Limit male (female) friends dating: ♥ ﹏ ♥ not to do on the outside chaos to Jiuhaola 8 will be afraid of the male (female) friends privately some dealings with the other sex: ♥ ﹏ ♥ afraid it seems useless to show themselves to run and he ran his myself 9. Longing for things to do with the male (female) friends: ♥ ﹏ ♥ eat food. Tour in Taiwan with decorating their own room 10 male (female) friends will care about past love life: ♥ ﹏ ♥ those who are past it to focus him my love life, I will care 11 mind if the male (female) friends Height: ♥ ﹏ ♥ 150 ~ 180 between OK! 12 Will East tube West annoying too male (female) Friends of the tube: ♥ ﹏ ♥ encounter the words to it all of it together 13 male (female) friends quarrel fights out of control, how to do: ♥ ﹏ ♥ first calm and find a level gave herself some time in 14 Friends of the male (female) must be romantic this: ♥ ﹏ ♥ so ~ good friends to but can not make the event 15 male (female) friends phone the other heterosexual transmission newsletter or call records: OK ~ ♥ ﹏ ♥ generally friends if other words to that just kill you 16 parents oppose you cross a male (female) friends: ♥ ﹏ ♥ not killed 17 M (Female) Friends of doing will make you feel romantic: ♥ ﹏ ♥ Biography concern closure Jane Subscribe to Newsletter to be satisfied 18 think doing the most humiliating in front of the male (female) friends: ♥ ﹏ ♥ Budongzhuangdong the 19. Walking down the street is usually more likely to see what type of opposite sex: ♥ ﹏ ♥ boys dressed very Desk 20 when the achievements of the male (female) friends than you how to do: ♥ ﹏ ♥ you ve worked hard ~ I will work harder 21 male (female) friends is a large male (female) people how to do: ♥ ﹏ ♥ that is wayward friends ~ had early break up ~ do not miss the young girls 22 and male (female) friends to do what kind of intimate contact most feel sweet: ♥ ﹏ ♥ Hug 23 When his girlfriend to see her boyfriend see A piece Masturbation This view of the matter: ♥ ﹏ ♥ can only say to his door shut 24 like the male (female) friends in hand: ♥ ﹏ ♥ like 25 love how they call the male (female) friends: ♥ ﹏ ♥ nickname is the name, not two yards to killed not what nose □ with baby 26 day male (female) friends want to kiss you how to do: ♥ ﹏ ♥ quickly eat chili 27 male (female) friends do anything to make you feel the pain: ♥ ﹏ ♥ engaged in the Cold War 28 If a family is poor male (female) is handed Friends how to do: ♥ ﹏ ♥ it all work together! 29 Which male (female), most are not interested in: ♥ ﹏ ♥ opinionated ~ cocky to house extreme people 30 male (female) sex make you feel special charm: ♥ ﹏ ♥ have enough self-confidence is very 31 male (female) friends parents do not like how you do: ♥ ﹏ ♥ that had efforts in the efforts of friends to really not to leaves a memory to say goodbye. 32. Went out to play the male (female) friends to help you pay for this: ♥ ﹏ ♥ habits like 33. Because in the face of male (female) friends do not dare to swear this: ♥ ﹏ ♥ not curse more fierce 34 views of the Friends of the boys for fierce male (female) friends or playing male (female): ♥ ﹏ ♥ fool - there must be a better way electric goads him just fine 35 male (female) friends how to do a bad temper who: Myself ~ ♥ ﹏ ♥ it had to give him a set of full points to you can break up 36 male (female) friends first reaction deceive you: ♥ ﹏ ♥ very unhappy 37 male (female) friends do anything to move you: ♥ ﹏ ♥ know my preferences 38 Typically you how to define good men (women): ♥ ﹏ ♥ this with says no 39 will not be allowed male (female) Friends of smoking, drinking this: ♥ ﹏ ♥ pumping of ~ should not be my boyfriend to drink very ok, is not never been to the hotel, nightclub 40 What type of men (female) sex coexistence feel comfortable: ♥ ﹏ ♥ this type too much to except the noble type I makes me very uncomfortable 41. Will care about the male (female) friends before you open the yellow cavity: ♥ ﹏ ♥ look occasions 42 how to do a third party and between the male (female) friends: ♥ ﹏ ♥ let him to choose to not have to thing 43 for male (female) friends to do the ultimate sacrifice: ♥ ﹏ ♥ my body 44 male (female) friends make unreasonable demands would ask him what to do: ♥ ﹏ ♥ line to share your life with me bit by bit 45 male (female) friends who love clubbing: ♥ ﹏ ♥ Ha ~ then go to back to remember like 46 male (female) Friends of cheating, how to do: ♥ ﹏ ♥ would only say ~ ~ ~ Let s break up Friends of the 47 cross-Male (female) provided that: ♥ ﹏ ♥ have busy with a little money 48 and male (female) Friends of doing would be happy: ♥ ﹏ ♥ can smile over a very good day! 49 to accept the age range of the male (female) friends: ♥ ﹏ ♥ see feeling 50 month only to see the male (female) Friends of once: ♥ ﹏ ♥ still do not miss the other side of life 51 think the male (female) friends what things must: ♥ ﹏ ♥ playing mahjong to cook the best also play video games 52 male (female) Friends of the tube you wear too little too exposed how to do: ♥ ﹏ ♥ has answered to Visit above 53 male (female) students to do anything you feel lovely: ♥ ﹏ ♥ generally having fun like a child 54 Male (Female) Friends of the do anything to make you feel angry: ♥ ﹏ ♥ overly headstrong ~ guava out tickets also installed their own right 55 you can allow the male (female) friends have good heterosexual friends: So ~ ♥ ﹏ ♥ can best because I also have a ~ can ~ also introduced to my understanding it 56 when the male (female) friends take care of you around male friends: ♥ ﹏ ♥ very problematic to take a look worthy of study 57 the love vision is: ♥ ﹏ ♥ every day looking forward to live 58 male (female) friends too you are not good enough cook: ♥ ﹏ ♥ I come and learn to my cook 59 male (female) friends too Pacific Princess: ♥ ﹏ ♥ suspected this a bit too far 60. Will require male (female) Friends of the body: ♥ ﹏ ♥ I will work hard to maintain 61 very white male (female) friends in public to make the purpose of things: ♥ ﹏ ♥ I must laugh really loud 62 will be male (female) friends do not want to engage in what kind of career: ♥ ﹏ ♥ can interest aspects like 63 M (Female) Friends of doing to make you feel ashamed: ♥ ﹏ ♥ publicly ignored me 64 M (Female) Friends of doing makes you feel gratification: ♥ ﹏ ♥ remember my preferences 65. Will react when the male (female) friends to send you gifts: ♥ ﹏ ♥ super happy 66 if he is an extraordinary person and the Friends of the male (female) is the high society of entrepreneurs: ♥ ﹏ ♥ to consider Ah 67 Please write the most impressive successive male (female) Friends of the name: ♥ ﹏ ♥ on ex-boyfriend 68 Please write the most regret successive male (female) Friends of the name: ♥ ﹏ ♥ the Ha ~ is ~ but I know like 69 male (female) friends forget your birthday: Fortunately ♥ ﹏ ♥ like to remember my friend 70 Friends of the Valentine s Day male (female) busy unable to celebrate together: ♥ ﹏ ♥ It does not matter to mend just fine 71 male (female) friends tell you he did Dreaming but the object is not you: ♥ ﹏ ♥ buy a Dream book to him 72 to allow the male (female) friends go out alone with the other sex: ♥ ﹏ ♥ trust culture to rely on time 73 men (women) have always been tangled their male (female) friends: ♥ ﹏ ♥ to see how to elect ~ I accept 74 and male (female) friends will have exclusive two private cypher: ♥ ﹏ ♥ must have to say it - only to find a hole to jump 75 If someone wants to deliberately provoke the feelings of your male (female) friends: ♥ ﹏ ♥ fierce k sea k ~ blacklist to anti endless Ah ~ Going! 76. Learned that his most important good friends fell in love with the male (female) friends: ♥ ﹏ ♥ let him go to election 77 male (female) friends is a Cu Tanzi words: ♥ ♥ Do not be too exaggerated ﹏ like 78 male (female) friends complain all day ring true with you: ♥ ﹏ ♥ heard him say to ~ line, then go get some fresh air eat things 79 how to do when someone says you male (female) friends do not match: ♥ ﹏ ♥ I only ha ha ~ When not hear to because I have a boyfriend, not their 80 if the male (female) friends who spend money like water, how to do: ♥ ﹏ ♥ said security for their properties to only early to go fishing a fool 81. Would not mind a male (female) friends in front of male (female), the Friends have contacted: ﹏ ♥ ♥ ~ I also anti not to do bad things to cherish the time with him on it There are 82. Former male (female) friends to contact you: ♥ ♥ ﹏ will find someone I really wonder 83 After answering 82 questions will require higher own male (female) friends a little: ♥ ﹏ ♥ I really extraordinary easy to get along with Ah ~ ◆ ◆ ◆ About life 1 Name: [Pulling] Age: [24 a pull! 】 3 Date of Birth: [88/02/14 /] 4 Gender: [Female] 5 Education: [Midstream CEO] 6 Name: [Pulling] 7 Nickname: [Pulling] 8 th edition: [3861535] 9 Height: [166] 10 Weight: [41 ~ 43 ~ ~ 45?? ^ __ ^] 11. Measurements: [I m still developmental pull! 】 12 Constellation: [Bottle] 13 Blood Type: [0] With or without myopia: 14. [] 15 myopia several times: [: 175] 16 school / workplace: [Ancient times] 17. Department: The supplier will 18. Grade: [Bi] 19 with or without pierced ears / number: 【Charge? 2] 20 long hair / short hair: [In length] 21. Ever had what animals: Cat? Bird? Mice? Turtle? Dog] 22 Eye color: 【Black! 】 23 Tattoo you: [No] 24 Place of Birth: 【Taipei birth may want to ask my mom to confirm] 25. Residence: 【Taipei】 26 had a drink: [Of course] 27 teens start drinking: [Forgot] 28. Smoked this: [I hate smoke] 29 teens start smoking: [No Youmie! 】 30. Talked several times in love: [Not open] 31 shoes brand: [Brand-name, street vendors] 32. Favorite food: Chocolate? Sugar 33. Expertise: [Mad] 34. Mantra: [Many also say no] 35. Personality: [Strange] 36 Single / Married: 【Husband two pinch! 】 37. Whether the girlfriend / boyfriend: [From missing] 38 single-, double-fold: [Double] 39 things impressed me most: [With the other half] 40 angry when: # $% & * # @% $%? ! @ $ ~ & *% $ #] 41. Impulse when: # $% & * # @% $%? ! @ $ ~ & *% $ #] 42 no spur of the experience: [] 43 What makes you tick: [White Eyes] 44 like his friends: [Husband that class? Baby class] 45 life satisfied with: [Fortunately] 46 Mobile No: [21st century] 47 like the opposite sex or the same sex: [Like but feel like] 48. Whether the athlete s foot [No] 49 Occupation: [Answered] 50 Most want to go: [Arctic to see the aurora] 51. Whether the hair color / hair color: 【Often change] 52 most commonly go KTV: [Till] 53 favorite KTV: [Do not know] 54 will point a song: [Occupation of song] 55 most impressed by the song: [] 56. Hated others point of the song: [Backwards chatter] 57 the KTV favorite food: [French fries] 58 favorite singers: [Many] 59 most annoying singer: [] 60 favorite actors: [==] 61 most annoying actor: [==] 62 favorite / best looking comic: 【Hoarse?] 63 most annoying / most unsightly comic: [No] 64 Favorite clothing brand: [Super multi] 65 most commonly in which to buy things: [Department Store Sale Items] 66 books read most often: [Love Story] 67 favorite books: [Love Story] 68 will never look at the second time of the book: 【Currently no] 69 favorite bookstore: [That several】 70. Favorite movies: [Too] 71 favorite local idol: 【Screws to get married] 72 Taiwanese drama like: [Wanxiu pig king] 73 Japanese drama series like: 【One liter of tears?] 74. Drama like: [] 75 mobile phone brand / Door No.: [Almost have] 76 the Mobile Color / spokesperson: [Has] 77 first date location: [Schools] 78 first crush: [Elementary Stubbs Age of 79. Kiss: [13] 80 first cross / boyfriend date: [] 81 most impressed by the ancients: [Long British lift] 82 most impressed by the poetry: [== Many] 83 would most like to live in what dynasty: 【Now. 】 84 most annoying things: [Bug] 85 favorite people: [Husband baby stuffy] 86 most sad about: 【Dog died] 87. Want how to die: [Natural death] 88. Hopes that the body how disposal: [Cremation. 】 89. Favorite sport: [Do not move] 90 favorite season / weather: Autumn / cats favorite autumn? I really like the Maple Leaf? Pretty colors] 91. Admire most basketball players: [] 92 admire most baseball players: [] 93 most admire football players: [] 94. Favorite flower: [] 95. Afterlife wanted to be: [Cat] 96. Want to be the kind of person: [Good guys] 97. Greatest fear: 【Separately with her husband] 98 birth to the biggest disease: 【Eye problems pulling but not good] 99 at home, the most common things: 【Spend money shopping and playing computer to watch TV dinner bed bath] 100 to see first love most want to say: [Do not know] 101. Wake up that first sentence: What would not say]. 102 with or without MSN Messenger / account: [Not yet open] 103. Ringtones: [2n1] 105. Drinkers drink: Jennifer milk. Milk tea. Green tea. 】 106 to read the magazine: [] 107 people most want to see: [People who know me know] 108 people most want flat: 【Currently no] 109 Favorite color: [Orange] 110 Favorite animal: [Cat] 111 when you single-handedly fracture in one hand and a dislocated, there are only cockroaches crawling on your face, you will: [Going round in circles to get rid of it] 112 like KINKI just still Koichi (must choose one): [Who] 113 favorite wine name: [Addict] 114. Appreciate the writer: [Giddens?] 115 money and hungry will not have anything to eat: 【Looking for Mom 116. Intend to have a few kids in the future: [8] 117 would like to say to a taxi driver: [Can you drive faster] 118 would like to say to the parents: [Thank you to earn money to support your stuffy stuffy I long Assembly] 119. Suitor will do what to say: [I will not marry him! 】 120. Prank want revenge, how revenge: [I know that time] 121. Biography fear most: [Queen] 122 lucky numbers: [] 123 oil electric double up view: [I do not know] 124 most grateful: [Own] 125. Motto: [] 126 If you can help yourself to take the name, what you want to call: [Moe] 127 robbery: [Beat him] 128. Considered the best toilet reading material: [In the toilet reading ==] 129 like martial arts: [] 130 like martial arts figures: [] 131 home broadband / isp industry: [] 132 there on porn sites: [.. Do not know what is ==] 133 home computer central processor brand: [No pull 134 Love apartment now really easy to use: 【Difference Trail】 135 like the type of woman: 【Husband that type] 136. Hate the type of woman: [Is that ah] 137. Usually on what pages: [Shopping] 138 most annoying people ask you: [Your parents is this] 139. Walking down the street the longest encountered: 【Accosted] 140 most annoying people call you what name: [==] 141 favorite people call you what name: [Baby] 142 most want others to praise you for: [You sing a good listen] 143 Most do not want others to praise you for: [Frankenstein] 144 up in the morning the first thing is what to do: 【Opened his eyes 145. Usually eat breakfast in the morning: [Not necessarily] 146 When a person is alone, who most want: Husband & baby stuffy, there are some people] 147 When a person is alone, most want to go: [Hide under the covers] 148. Favorite TV shows: [==] 149 Teletubbies thoughts: [Tintin] 150 If you want to be a cartoon which role / Why: [Dora] 151 if you fall in love with the blood of people with you, you will: 【Abandon his hug] 152 students from the pain or bereavement pain / Why: [Do not know] 153 views. Tarot: [I understand] 154 simple description of "forced forced A dead feeling: [I know what】 155 favorite small leafless which articles of art: [Who is he?] 156. Favorite to stay the meow child which articles: 【Hoarse?] 157 for trustworthiness how punishment: 【Scolded him] 158. Played any online games: [Not playing] 159 What kind of gift would most like to receive: [Money] 160 hate people for what things: 【Nails smoking] 161 like this: [Like] 162. Bullying experience: [Counted pull】 163 on the road you will see beggars: 【Give him money] 164 If you have more friends A dream of props allows you to pick one, which one you want: [Treasure bag] 165 used shampoo: [Not necessarily] 166 used soap or shower gel: [Not necessarily] 167. Cleanser: [Not necessarily] 168. Care products: [Chanel] 169 day a bath: [2] 170 had the experience of sleeping in the nude: [] 171 flower you choose to be with Huici one would you choose: [Can] 172 bath will wash how long you: [40 minutes] 173 the photographs most common swing posture: [Yeah! 】 174 the name of love: [Not answer] 175 first kiss location: [Really forgot] 176. Bedtime will do: Turn off the lights? Close】 177. Presence of fixed manicure: [] 178 views for boys and girls: Masculinities? Equality between men and women] 179 wrote several volunteer: [Not seriously counted] 180. Obediently like it or not eat: Obediently? He can eat Oh] 181 like it or not eating chocolate: [Love?] 182. Bathe before the first thing: [Lights] 183 is not homosexual like: [I do not know] 184 Who is the most hated teacher / Why? : [Old man / microphone so loud you ear package ah! 】 185. Come across a favorite teacher / Why? : Ming teacher? Wear teacher? Nice] 186 will not the instrument / What: [Of course? Malady ...] 187 felt the singing really nice / Why: 【Nice? Nice ah! 】 188 every time the Internet first to want to go to the website or forced forced inside: [I phase this] 189 each time the Internet will make what: [Back to finish the message] 190 a month on average to see a few books (not textbooks): [Do not know] 191 childhood favorite cartoon is which one: [Do not know] 192. Moviegoing habits: [] 193 like what type of movie: [Can] 194. Usually listen to music caught MP3 or buy legal copies / pirated: [Do not know] 195 when it rains like rain / to support umbrella / raincoat? : [Rain] 196 will not do the things they do not want to do in order to go along with a friend: [Yes! 】 197 small to large done most regret what / why: 【Many pull] The 198 blackout want waiting for the elevator can be used or climbing stairs: [The stairs] 199. Eaten cactus ice?: [] 200. A crash?: [] 201 The child is father to fight or mother hit / most afraid of whom to play: [Pull] 202 recently watching TV: ATARU priceless 203. The recent doing things: sleep == " 204 recently listening to music: TARA 2NE1 205 eat: grapes <dad almost every day to buy!> 206. Recent look at the press: not watching ㄝ ... 207. Recent topic of concern: Facebook 208 recently frequented the place: Ami shop 209. Often thought recently heterosexual: ㄜ the the ... no one is worth that makes me want to! 210. Recently most wanted to do: shoot a set with the snow 211. Physical condition: doing it to nasal allergies! 212 recent financial situation: to spend super over! 213 best friend wanted to say: I m sorry ~ I do not know how to express how much I love you ... 214. Their most wanted to say: fool! Do not sleep! 215 want a weight loss recipe: flesh ... == " 216 memory did one of the craziest things: the teacher said: I do not want to run the playground! Or ~ ~ tables and chairs in the daycare crazy all my chaos wrestling ... but ~ ha ~ the proprietress very I! <a locomotive male bully me because I said! ==> 217 like K song Level: crazy 218 most like to eat food: all kinds of ice! 219 favorite fruit: strawberries, apples, peaches, cherries ... 220. Fear most: patients <I m afraid to see people suffering like wound and injuries, more afraid of people being disfigured, amputated like ... even though I know he is not bad ... but to no way ... I will not be afraid!, blood, dead bodies, injections, pain ... another kind of Xiaoqiang ~! == " 221. Now most wanted to do: making this kick down! 222 the thing you most regret: the day slamming doors did not hit that bitch! 223 short-term goal: invention love crazy 6 .. 224 most want to buy something: a doll! <I really miss day clutching a doll Oh! Although we still have a baby Baby ... but I ve kind of "doll"! 225 people woke up after the first miss: the Core the Lord ~~ ㄚ my breakfast decide? 226. Ideal when reality blocking you how to do? : Standard lowered to or simply asked to fight! 227 you most do not want what happened: I like people who are away from me ... 228 When God to give you a gift, you want what? : I hope the treasure bag ... <This is not asking too much!? But thou didst not give me!!!> 229. Particularly knowledgeable in what respect? : Sleep ... mixed with food to die == " 230. Estimated that they will take the number of lucky money: dare not expect too much ... == " 231 Do you think the computer how much importance to you: did it better ... but it I would be more happy ... 232. Think life is hard: so hard ... 233 now happy? : Maybe! 234 If you must choose a subject is when, in order to graduate you want to choose which subjects: I graduated ... 235 like ambiguous period? : Hate! 236. Honest with yourself? : Has not been honest ... == " 237 people you cherish most in the world? : Pull pull! 238 most things their own guilty conscience? : Talking and laughing with people they hate ... against their conscience ㄚ! 239 What constellation is the most annoying? : They are not allowed to ... each constellation has scum ㄚ! 240 What happy unhappy? : Ups and downs for the mood of the people around! 241 When you are in a bad mood, you will be how to do? : Listening to music is alone to tears ... ㄚ or yelling Chief "from the Shore" ㄚ! 242 most want to go to which country? : Uninhabited island ... Some people place more or less will be mixed with the acquisitiveness Xunxin scum! 243. Are you tired of it?!: I m so tired to want a comfortable resting place ... == " 244 why this world is covered with brains re: I really want to know ... 245 What is the most important?: Happy 246 What is the most important?: The previous question == " 247 If God give you a time machine, you want to go back to where?: High-1 freshman training 248. Willing to do anything for their loved ones: If he is worth ... in violation of the moral and legal norms. Case ... are OK! Little point, point to who is the Lucky ha ha ha!!! :)) Is that you Oh!! Baby You really patient. 等等等等還有呢 還有韓文版的 아하! 회원 베이비 크게 답답한 나이지리아 자 ~ 베니 호 ~ ♥ ﹏ ♥의 호 꽃 봉오리 "아 정말 사냥, 왜 ︿ 난 미친 흥분, ︴ 네팔의 지루한 내 아기, 와우 없습니다 ~ ~ ~ 내 아기 그 수를 원하십니까? ! "저에게 하나님이 얼마나 Hanni에 도취 르 ︾ ︽ ︾ 나는 남편이 ~ 나이지리아 아기되고 싶어! ! "내 도취 가난한 사람들의을 저장하면 ▪ ∩ ▪ 당겨 주세요 베이비 ~ ~ ~ ~ "화 ... 정말 ㊣ 미친." 나는 ω ° ╳ ︴ 당기는 ≠ 아이를 속도를 "아레 (Aare)가하는 방법에 약간의 대만 개 교는 ↔ 난 알 라를 재생 에 유럽에서 당겨 아기를 당기는 내가 아기 선 전화 또는 쁘띠 Jiujiu 버드 야? ! 처음에 줄을 ╠ "어떻게 약한 아랍 구역질 르 느껴" 저를 응원하기 위해 많은, 오! "하지만 왜 그렇지? 난 안 미쳤어 요 이것 좀 살펴? ! 자기 도취 아직 좋은 점? ! "* ^ ^ * ÷ 욕실 ~ 제가 네팔 통풍도 고개를 끄덕이 ... 자주 와요! 당기는 ︴ ≠ 아기 ω ° ╳ 대만, 대만 항상 요 환영합니다 ~에게 ◇ ◇ ◇ 사랑에 대해 . 다른 발렌타인 : . 악마가 그 / 그녀의 발전과 질문 : 당신이 빌어 먹을! 산재 몇 달 몇 번호 생일 : 엄마의 x는 또한 요청 귀하의에게 문의 : V. 다시 얼마나 오래과 . 우 그를 사랑 : ♥ ﹏ ♥ 누가 귀신을 물어 생각합니다 : 자신이 좋아 미끄러! 소유욕입니다 후! . 폭군 친구를 증오 : 예, 많이 . 당겨 이전 질문에, 당신은 말을 그 / 그녀에게 말 : 웃음을 보지 못 수치스러운 일을하지 마십시오 돌 가족 우호 대체 (B) : 우정 (오 선출하기가 어렵) 물론이 둘은 약간이어야합니다 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 남성 (여) 섹스를 한 어떤 종류의 관심을 얻을 것이다 : 순진한 미소로 ♥ ﹏ ♥ 확신. 활발한 잘 ~ 하하 2. (여) 조건의 친구를 남성 선출 : ♥ ﹏ ♥ 천만 더에 지방 식사도 할 가장 좋아하는 요리를 (고집 연산자) 자기 의지하지 마십시오 남성 (여성) 친구 착용을 제한합니다 : ♥ ﹏ ♥ 다른에게 갈려면 속옷 나는 괜찮아요 마십시오 네 남자 (여) 학생은, 아름다운 느낌 : ♥ ﹏ ♥ 행복한 미소가 함께 일을 할 수 : 스마트 남 (여) 학생처럼 ♥ ﹏ ♥ 그 날이 다치는 걸 원치 할만큼 똑똑하지 마! 6. 그녀의 형제 사랑을 수락 : ♥ ﹏ ♥ 매우 아 환영합니다 7. 데이트 남성 (여) 친구 제한 : ♥ ﹏ ♥ Jiuhaola에 외부 혼란에서 수행하지 8 비공개 남성 (여) 친구 다른 성별과 어떤 거래를 두려워 될 것입니다 : ♥ ﹏ ♥ 걱정이 실행 스스로를 게재 할 수 쓸모없는 것 그리고 자기 자신을 실행 9 남성 (여성) 친구들과 함께 할 수있는 일은에 대한 갈망. : 장식 자신의 방으로 대만에서 ♥ ﹏ ♥ 먹을 수있는 식품. 투어 친구가 과거 사랑 생활에 대한 관심됩니다 10 남성 (여성) : ♥ ﹏ ♥ 그에게 내 사랑을 집중지나있는 사람들은 신경됩니다 11 마음이 남성 (여) 친구 높이 경우 : ♥ ﹏ ♥ 150 ~ 180 OK 사이! 관 12 윌 동 관 서 짜증도 남성 (여성) 친구 : ♥ ﹏ ♥ 함께 그것의 모든 단어가 발생 13 남자는 (여) 친구 싸움이 수행하는 방법에 제어가 싸우고 : ♥ ﹏ ♥ 첫번째 조용하고 수준을 찾을 수는에 자신에게 시간을 준 남성 14 친구 (여) 로맨틱해야이 : ♥ ﹏ ♥ 너무 ~ 좋은 친구하지만 이벤트를 할 수 없습니다 15 남성 (여) 친구는 다른 이성애자 전송 뉴스 레터 나 통화 기록을 전화 번호 : OK ~ ♥ ﹏ ♥ 일반적으로 친구를 다른 단어가 당신을 죽일 경우 16 부모는 남자 (여자) 친구를 교차 반대 : ♥ ﹏ ♥ 죽이지 일 17 M (여) 친구가 로맨틱 한 느낌을 것입니다 : ♥ ﹏ ♥ 뉴스 레터를 전기 우려 폐쇄 제인 구독하기이 만족 될 18 남성 (여) 친구의 앞에 가장 치욕적인 일을 생각 : ♥ ﹏ ♥ Budongzhuangdong . 19 길을 걷고하는 것이 이성에 어떤 타입의 볼 가능성이 높습니다 : ♥ ﹏ ♥ 소년은 매우 데스크 옷을 입고 20 때 어떻게 할 당신보다 남성 (여) 친구의 성과 : ♥ ﹏ ♥ 당신은 열심히 일 했어요 ... 난 열심히 일합니다 21 남성 (여성) 친구들을 수행하는 방법에 많은 남성 (여성) 명 입니다 : ♥ ﹏ ♥ 그 떠 다니는 친구가되었습니다 ~ 일찍 깰 한 ~ 어린 여자들을 놓치지 마세요 22 친밀한 접촉 종류의 가장 달콤한 느낌을 할 남성 (여성) 친구 : ♥ ﹏ ♥ 포옹 23 자신의 여자 친구가 그녀의 남자 친구는 피스 자위에게 문제의이보기를 참조하십시오 확인하려면 경우 : ♥ ﹏ ♥은 그의 문을 잠궈 말을 할 수 손에 남성 (여) 친구 같은 24 : ♥ ﹏ ♥ 같은 그들은 남성 (여) 친구 전화하는 방법 25 사랑 : ♥ ﹏ ♥ 닉네임은 이름, 안 죽은 게 아니 코로 이야드 □ 아기입니다 26일 남성 (여성) 친구들은 어떻게 할 당신과의 키스를 : ♥ ﹏ ♥ 빨리 칠리 식사 27 남성 (여성) 친구가 고통을 느낄 수 있도록 아무 짓도 : ♥ ﹏ ♥ 냉전에 종사 가족이 가난한 남자 인 경우 28 (여) 어떻게 할 수 손으로 친구입니다 ♥ ﹏ ♥이 모든 함께! 29 어떤 남자 (여자), 대부분은 관심이없는 경우도 있습니다 : ♥ ﹏ ♥ 자기 의견을 고집하는 집으로 ~ 건방 져 극단적 명 30 남성 (여) 섹스가 당신이 특별한 매력을 느끼게 : ♥ ﹏ ♥만큼 자신감이 아주 잘했습니다 31 남성 (여) 친구 부모님은 당신이 얼마나 싫어하는지 : ♥ ﹏ ♥ 작별 인사를하기 위해 정말 메모리를 출발 할 수 없습니다에 친구의 노력에 노력을이었습니다. . 32이 비용을 지불하기 위해 남성 (여) 친구를 놀러 갔어요 : 같은 ♥ ﹏ ♥ 습관 33 남성 (여) 친구의 얼굴에서이 작업을 맹세 할 용기도 없으면서. : ♥ ﹏ ♥ 더 치열한 욕하지 치열한 남성 (여) 친구 또는 남성 (여성) 재생 소년의 친구 34 조회수 : ♥ ﹏ ♥ 속일 - 그 잘 더 좋은 방법 전기 goads가 있어야합니다 어떻게 사람 나쁜 기질을 35 남성 (여성) 친구 : 자신이 ~ ♥ ﹏ ♥ 당신에게 그에게 모든 점의 집합을 제공했다가 깰 수 첫번째 반응은 당신을 속이기 36 남성 (여성) 친구 : ♥ ﹏ ♥ 불행 37 남성 (여성) 친구들을 이동 일은 : ♥ ﹏ ♥ 내 환경 설정을 알 38 일반적 얼마나 좋은 사람 (여성)를 정의하는 방법 : ♥ ﹏ ♥ 이것과는 없잖아요! 39은 허용되지 않습니다 이거 마시고 흡연의 남성 (여성) 친구 : ♥ ﹏ ♥ ~의 펌핑하는 것은 매우 괜찮 술 내 남자 친구가 아니어야합니다, 호텔, 나이트 클럽,에 가본 적 없어 남성의 40 어떤 종류의 (여)는 섹스 공존은 편안한 느낌 : ♥ ﹏ ♥ 이런 종류의 너무 많이에 고귀한 종류를 제외하고 난 나를 매우 불편하게 . 당신이 노란색 구멍을 열기 전에 41 남성 (여) 친구 걱정됩니다 ♥ ﹏ ♥ 모습의 행사 방법을 제 3 자에게 수행하는 42 남성 (여) 친구 사이 : ♥ ﹏ ♥ 그를 일을해야하지 선택할 수 있습니다 궁극적 인 희생을하는 남성 (여성) 친구에 대한 43 : ♥ ﹏ ♥ 내 몸 44 남성 (여성) 친구들이 불합리한 요구가 그를 어떻게 할 수 물어보고 싶어합니다 : ♥ ﹏ 조금씩 나와 함께 삶을 공유하는 ♥ 라인 클럽에 사랑 45 남성 (여성) 친구 : ♥ ﹏ ♥ 하 ~ 다음과 같은 기억으로 돌아가 어떻게 할 부정 행위 46 남성 (여) 친구 : ♥ ﹏ ♥ 만 ~ ~ ~ 가자가 깨 말 것 47 간 남자 (여자)의 친구들이 저를 제공 : ♥ ﹏ ♥ 약간의 돈을 바쁜이 일의 48 남 (여) 친구는 행복 할 거에요 : ♥ ﹏ ♥ 좋은 하루 동안 웃을 수! 남성 (여성) 친구의 연령대를받을 수 49 : ♥ ﹏ ♥ 느낌을 볼 수 50개월 한 번만의 남성 (여성) 친구를 볼 수 : ♥ ﹏ ♥ 여전히 삶의 다른면을 놓치지 마세요 51 무슨 일이 반드시 남성 (여) 친구를 생각 : ♥ ﹏ ♥ 마작 재생도 비디오 게임 최고의 요리 재생 당신이 너무 어떻게하는지 노출이 너무 착용 관의 52 남 (여) 친구 : ♥ ﹏ ♥ 위의 방문에 대한 답변이 당신은 아름다운 생각 아무것도 할 수있는 53 남 (여) 학생 : ♥ ﹏ ♥ 일반적으로 재미를 아이처럼 54 남성 (여성)는 화를 느끼게하는 짓은의 친구 : ♥ ﹏ ♥ 너무 완고한 ~ 아웃 구아바 티켓도 자신의 권리를 설치 55 당신은 남성 (여성) 친구들이 좋은 이성 친구가 할 수 있습니다 : 그럼 ~ ♥ ﹏ ♥ 수 나 또한 ~가 ~도 내 이해를 소개 할 수 있습니다 최고의 때문에 남성 (여성) 친구들이 남자 친구 주위에 당신을 돌봐 줄 56 : 연구의 가치를 살펴 ♥ ﹏ ♥ 매우 문제가 57 사랑의 비전은 다음과 같습니다 : ♥ ﹏ ♥ 매일 살기를 기대 58 남성 (여성) 친구들도 당신은 충분히 좋은 요리사가 없습니다 : ♥ ﹏ ♥ I는 내 요리 배우 59 남성 (여성) 친구들도 태평양 공주 : ♥ ﹏ ♥이 조금 너무 멀리 의심 . 60 몸의 남성 (여성) 친구가 필요합니다 : ♥ ﹏ ♥ 나는 유지하기 위해 최선을 작동합니다 일의 목적을 할 수 공공 장소에서 61 매우 백인 남자 (여) 친구 : ♥ ﹏ ♥ 정말 큰 소리로 웃음을해야합니다
音樂國語流行日韓歌曲西洋流行懷念老歌古典音樂Hip Hop周杰倫少女時代Maroon 5羅志祥陳奕迅五月天田馥甄陳綺貞T-ara電視電影動畫漫畫劇情片喜劇片動作片科幻片恐怖片驚悚片瘦身美容流行時尚逛街購物Tiffany & Co.愛迪達牛仔褲手錶長髮指甲彩繪CHANEL髮型登山健行羽毛球網球瑜珈慢跑騎腳踏車遊山玩水旅遊休閒日本台灣獸醫電玩遊戲麻將吃喝玩樂星象命理兜風閒晃大自然廚藝健身攝影逛街購物漫畫動畫星座命理哈利波特后宮:甄嬛傳巧克力蛋糕麻辣鍋麥當勞日本料理發呆睡覺貓健康醫學Encontrar el amor星巴克巧克力星爺電影宮崎駿A-LIN泡湯溫泉自助旅行喜歡去看風景游泳流行歌曲facebook玩臉書看電影海邊只要好吃就是美食散步踏青愛交朋友自營商