%%- Elliott Wave Theory, like all other technical analysis tools and indicators, has its validity as well as limitation. It's a theory and guide, not a rule. In long term no one can do well using Wave Theory alone. %%- 目前看來,歐巴馬若做得不好或不能連任,會是因為未有效處理財經問題,雖然問題是由前任政府造成 他周遭的財經顧問大臣除Volker之外,或親華爾街,如財政部長Guitner,或善變無原則,如首席經濟顧問Summers,或只懂理論,無視現實又無視歷史,如聯儲局主席Bernanke %%- Some say "What double dip? We haven't got out of the 1st dip. We're still in the 1st recession." %%- (The original) American Dream:
Oh, give me a home where the Buffalo roam Where the Deer and the Antelope play... (Home on the Range)
Oh, give me land, lots of land under starry skies above Let me ride through the wide open country that I love... (Don't Fence Me In) ('09/1) %%- Banks' "toxic assets": CEOs/Mgmt ('09/1)