It was down in Louisiana just about a mile from Texarkana in them all cotton fields back home...
Tex-ark-ana在Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana三州交界處 曾開車經過附近小鎮, 路上100%黑人, 嚇我一跳, 這正是美國南方才有的黑人城 %%- 遙念加州的春暖花開 I once saw a flower >:D< T----------------H----------------I----------------S >:D< big. @};- ('09/3/21) %%- If there's a double dip in US stock market, the Dow could go as low as 4000. %%- Having deep rest and patiently watching and waiting while relaxed is what I need to do. %%- 89歲名女記者Helen Thomas因在非公共場合說以色列人該滾出巴勒斯坦被拍攝在網上播出, 遭各方(包括同事與白宮)譴責而被迫道歉並辭職