%%- Cronyism between regulators and the industry they oversee: We need someone to oversee the regulators. %%- I couldn't stop laughing while reading this: news.:))yahoo.:))com:))/s/ynews/2010;)0525/ts_ynews/ynews_ts22:))34 %%- Lonestar (N Jones) youtube.com/watch?v=elKwdbL3A9Q&feature=related %%- I'm Thinking Tonight Of My Blue Eyes youtube.com/watch?v=q4tBmpRdZ94 %%- That's All I Want From You youtube.com/watch?v=YSwWxSCh8iM&feature=related %%-('09/6/1) 1 The older I get the faster people turn me off. I probably turn them off just as fast. 2 If more of something makes you happier, that something is important to you. Wouldn't more money make you happier? 3 人越老臉皮越厚, 還是越老越要面子, 等你老時就知道 4 女人來這世界是為了照顧男人, 男人不善照顧自己