%%- "Volcker Rule": No proprietary trading by commercial banks. That's pretty much commom sense. But of course Wall Street won't buy it.
猶太人在許多外交和金融政策上有效的控制了白宮與國會, 這回金融改革能否成功, 將可看出國會議員現在到底在聽誰的話, 關心些什麼事: 大眾的利益? 自己的連任? 猶太集團/華爾街的利益? %%- "A revolving door between Washington DC & Wall Street..." %%- Guys that were responsible for the financial crisis either claim they've now saved America from the crisis or simply deny they were at fault. Greenspan, often appearing to possess infinite knowledge & wisdom, not only didn't see the crisis coming, but also now argues he had nothing to do with it. %%- Hey, Soul Sister (Train) youtube.com/watch?v=hT3zCj3F1d4&feature=related
Fix You (Cold Play) youtube.com/watch?v=pY9b6jgbNyc&feature=related