離2009年還有60天. 「豬頭:o)」, 可能是個形容詞, 也可能是個名詞. 每天和一群豬頭混戰, 啊哈哈哈…:)) @};- %%-2008/11/03 There are 61 days till 2009. A large number of sports fans like to watch the ball games at the stadium or just watch sports programs on TV. Sports have become a big and profitable business. So, it is not surprising that successful athletes become famous as well as wealthy. Many teenagers look upon them as heroes. However, whether they are a role model, like Michael Jordan, or not depends on whether they have sportsmanship. Sportsmanship means the right kind of spirit an athlete should have when he participates in any sport of game. Analyzing it, we find its component parts are fair play and no favor, enthusiasm for the game, generosity to opponents, pluck and the ability to take defeat well. @};-