“Tosh,” said the tortoise. So they marked off a course fifty feet long. All the other animals gathered around. A bull-frog set them on the marks, a hunting dog fired a pistol, and they were off. When the hare crossed the finish line, the tortoise had gone approximately eight and three-quarter inches. 我們常常以「龜兔賽跑」的故事來說明堅定的精神的重要性, 而且相信支持到最後的人一定會贏. 烏龜和兔子移動的速度實在不能相比, 這是人盡皆知的事實. 那麼, 烏龜憑什麼敢向兔子挑戰? 我覺得烏龜的勝利, 全靠運氣. 如果兔子中途並不停下來睡覺呢? 烏龜一定是輸了. 可是我們倒過來想, 動作快且前後一致的人將可勝過緩慢且持續的人. 緩慢且持續固然很好, 但動作快且牢靠則更棒! 而且, 我覺得烏龜有點詐. 既然是公平的競爭, 為何不叫醒兔子, 而自己偷跑?X( @};-