離2009年還有170天. 「功夫熊貓」除了搞笑, 也為觀眾上了人生的一課, 龜大仙所說的話都蠻有哲理的. 我看的是英文版的「功夫熊貓」, 記憶沒錯的話, 這幾句話我都蠻喜歡的. Yesterday is a history, tomorrow is mystery, and only today is a gift, that’s why we call it “present”. Your mind is like this water, my friend, when it is agitated, it becomes difficult to see, but if you allow it to settle, the answer becomes clear. (這句話很長, 不知有沒記錯?) There are no accidents. (龜大仙常說的話, 我想自己加上一句話 but by God’s choosing. His had formed you and make you the person you are. 這樣可以嗎?) 由報訊鳥兒身上所飄下一隻羽毛, 因那隻羽毛才讓關在地牢的殘豹越獄, 重現江湖, 也因那隻羽毛阿波成就了成為神龍大俠的夢想. 我們千萬不能忽略一些微小的力量, 有時一根稻草也會壓死一隻大駱駝的. 這部電影適合闔家觀賞, 因為大人們將會和小孩一樣享受這部電影. 大人學人生道理, 小孩看可愛熊貓. @};- |