%%- "Some Day My Prince Will Come", a piece of jazz piano music. So will my princess come someday? She hasn't so far. By the time she comes, I'll be an old man already. So it'll be "The Old Man and The Princess". Oh, God. %%- Humans have human nature. Frogs also have frog nature. So if you know one frog from one well well, you know another frog from another well well as well. %%- 白天27度,晚上10點,16度,忽然下冰雹,落在屋頂地面劈啪作響 離海邊也不過6小時車程,但已是內陸型氣候 %%- 電視上一面播著藏人倒毀各商店,攔截毆打路人的畫面,一面報導藏人被血腥鎮壓 此<指鹿為馬>最佳詮釋乎? 當藏人巴黎街頭阻世運聖火,與警衛起衝突,滿臉血跡,被一邊一個警察架著時,電視報導卻無半句評語,喔, 那是警察維持公共秩序,既非暴力, 更非鎮壓 西方媒題正快速的失去其公正性與可信度