%%- 舊詩也罷, 新詩也罷, 一首好詩, 是大家一看就懂的 許多新詩讓人不忍卒讀: 大量辭藻的堆砌, 一堆隱晦只有作者才懂的比喻和意象, 囉囉唆唆, 不知所云, 無趣之極, 何來優美, 遑論共鳴, 語文的謀殺, 筆墨的浪費 寫詩寫成那樣, 不寫也罷 %%- 三個角逐白宮人選, 或是方向錯誤, 或是作政治秀, 都讓人或多或少的失望 %%- In the old days, people used to sing hymns that were of moderate tempo with beautiful melodies. It matched the atmosphere and the mood of a Sunday service in a church. Nowadays they sing pop- or rock-like hymns. I have nothing against pop or rock. I like them actually. But there's a place and time for everything. Gosh, who'd drink vodka for breakfast?