%%- Market is mean. He watches you constantly like the big brother. You buy, he goes down. You sell, he goes up. You go against him, you pay. You go along with him, he'd reverse and go against you. Market is full of risk. You can't control the market. But thank God, you can control risk. Risk is the only thing you can control in trading. Control it. %%- A-bian could've been a Ciderella Man. But he chose to be scum. %%- 清廉有禮不代表能幹 馬英九呆呆的, 人家挖個陷阱, 他還真跳下去 然後灰頭土臉的爬出來, 手忙腳亂的想抖落一身的塵土污泥 %%- 狗是人類最忠實的朋友 政府應是大家的忠犬 但有些狗政府對主人既不忠心也不老實 對這類劣犬要仁慈, 仁慈的送他們上西天 %%- 阿扁回憶錄最恰當的書名: <我如狗的一生> Recommended title for A-bian's memoirs: My Life As A Dog %%- 世上最自戀最愛對號入座的莫如女人