%%- The condo cafeteria owner invited some friends over for lunch. All together 11 adults and their 16 children. The fun part was 3 of them were either amateur or old time professional keyboard or guitar players. We started with singing "The House Of The Rising Sun", "Diana", "Hey Jude", all the way to "甜蜜蜜", "夜來香", then back to "Let It Be"... %%- In work or in life, taking on things one can't handle with ease leads to inability to meet demand, the source of pressure, stress and anxiety. But if others do and you don't, they'd be ahead of you. Happy is he who's found a balance between excelling with stress and taking it easy but staying behind. That's what the book "In Praise Of Slow" is all about, isn't it? %%- Son in college sends parents a short letter: no mon(ey), no hon(ey) your son Soon he receives a reply: too bad, so sad your dad