%%- 台灣<傳記文學>, 創刊四十餘年, 可讀性仍高 香港<明報月刊>, 亦有四十餘年歷史. 創刊人金庸, 曾極之精彩, 前些年看時已大不如前, 許多研討大陸各類議題的文章, 又悶又一匹布那麼長 %%- "助人容易求人難", 一語道盡世間情 %%- "丈夫, 一丈之外就不是夫了" "If you need a friend, get a dog." %%- Money isn't, but almost is, everything. Please don't waste your time arguing that. Being greedy is one thing. Being practical is another. I'm not greedy. I'm just pracdycal. Practical, I mean. %%- Don't sit in front of a pc or tv for too long. Or you're gonna get TB, tough butt. %%- I look forward to settling down in a new land after all these years of moving around and starting a new life. I know I'm gonna like it. What will it lead to? Nothing but good stuff, I hope. %%- Before, I conformed with frustration. Nowadays, I trade with a cause.