%%- 聯合國最新調查: 依其<居住水準指數> 冰島取代居首多年之挪威 成為世界最適宜居住國家 挪威? 冰島? 不都是長期冰天雪地, 白日陰暗 稅率﹑自殺率﹑生活費三高之國家嗎? 乾脆北極算了 是什麼樣的天才專家 設計出如此荒唐的指數 %%- <多則惑> 未必 <治大國若烹小鮮> 治小島豈不應無為 扁政府有為了些 <知者不博> 少看多想囉 %%- If one can afford not to work, should he feel guilty if he then doesn't work because he's got more interesting but "unproductive" things to do? %%- There's a chapel on the campus of the university where I was a student. Many weddings were held there. In the shade of the trees by the chapel in summer time, they say one'd hear wind gently blow wispering "I do. I do..." Nowadays I'd always take a walk by the chapel whenever revisiting that campus.