%%- You play music with violin. You don't play violin with music. Likewise, you do dancing and not let dancing do you, unlike those contestants in international dance championships. While their timing and techniques are perfect, they are more like half-human, half-machine robots, jumping and moving. Ballroom dancing should be graceful or passionate. But when those pros compete in contests, they're totally void of feeling and emotion. All that's left is precision and coldness. They've reduced an elegant form of art into a set of mechanical movements. %%- 有間老外常光顧的義大利餐廳, 老闆想在英文菜單上印<有啥吃啥>, 口吻越詼諧越好, 問我怎麼譯最傳神 我差點想說 Tough sh*t, just eat whatever we feed you! %%- 女子與小人另一共同點: 對於讚美, 永不嫌多 %%- 我有一個夢 一個睡夢 嗯, 上床睡去