%%- 今天心情特佳, 覺得單身真好 %%- 當趣事變無趣時, 就像漏氣的籃球, 漸漸彈不起來, 讓人無心再拍 %%- do it. do it baby let's do it let's do Hustle %%- i've seen ice n i've seen snow i've seen the blizzard blow friend let me tell ya what i know nothing beats sun's golden glow it keeps you warm from head to toe %%- long ago in a seaside coffee shop i was having drinks with my friends the music was playing, mostly familiar songs then i heard something beautiful and captivating i said to myself, "wow nowadays they're writing such nice stuff. you're really out of touch with what's going on!" so i found out the singer's name from the CD they're playing. someone new and unheard-of much later i bought her tape and CD stupid me! she's from the 50s and 60s: Patsy Cline! her mesmerizing songs include I Fall To Pieces, Crazy, Lonely Street...