%%- 誠品, 金石堂, 商業氣息重, 非常 Hollywoodish 大學周圍書店, 偏學術性, 甚至乾脆賣教科書 三民, 似書局多過似書店 誠品全天營業, 造福還是造就了失眠者 %%- 我可塑性仍高 既能一星期內胖起來 也可一個月內瘦回去 %%- "Over-Population": The situation in which there aren't enough natural resources to go around for all people. Such resources include land, clean water, clean air, food, etc. By that definition, the whole Asia except Malaysia and Brunei, is way over-populated. %%- Banks are blood suckers. A bank like Citibank would convert currencies for retail customers with a 1.8% spread, which is 100 times that of the real Forex market. And governments in many countries allow banks to impose a 20% annual interest on overdue credit card payments. Your legislators whose duty is to protect your interest are selling you out to big businesses.