%%- Mark Twain once said: there are lies, damn lies, and statistics. Nowadays we have liars, damn liars, and politicians. %%- Politicians do care. They just don't share. %%- Caring isn't necessarily sharing, you see. The more they say they care, the less they're willing to share. %%- 當未來式成了現在進行式 那說明了什麼 你老了 %%- 不用等別人稱叔叔長者啊什麼的 當人家都叫你大哥或師兄時 你就該知道 你老了 %%- On golden pond... Aiyo... %%- 母親進了誠品 不一會 拿著本書 往梯口一坐 說 看完了再回去 難得興致這麼好 就讓她過足癮吧