%%- small is beautiful. so is simple. %%- ---BLOWIN' IN THE WIND--- How many times must the missiles fly Before they are forever banned? How many more Iraqis must be killed Before invasion and chaos end? The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind, The answer is blowing in the wind. %%- 越戰採徵兵, 人人得入伍 反戰情緒高, 反戰活動密, 反戰歌曲多 現在採募兵, 事不關己 侵略也好, 自衛也好, 讓愛打的人去打 他們打他們的仗, 我們過我們的活 他們去殺, 我們繼續rap 他們去死, 我們繼續hip hop life is beautiful. show goes on. %%- 國民黨及中共由革命上臺 然後就視革命為造反 革命有理? 無理? 民進黨上臺不費吹灰之力 先由李登輝雙手奉上 thank you so kindly. 再以作弊繼續執政 it's a pushover. %%- i'd thought i had a lot to say. then i thought i'd said it all. somehow i keep cranking out gibberrish. amazing.