%%- 陳之藩教授形容 社會主義是千瘡 資本主義是百孔 社會主義現已走入歷史 剩下資本主義, 仍是百孔啊 %%- 又鬼混一天 什麼都沒做 還心安理得 %%- 冬日路旁 俯視矮樹林 聽風聲號嘯 似聞蘇族廝殺 在達科塔古戰場 %%- i like clarity, in people, in markets, in anything i deal with. %%- i prefer well-lit restaurants. no candle lights and all that. i want to be able to see whatever it is that i'm eating. %%- i haven't been doing what i should be doing. they tell me so. i think, or rather, i've been made to think so. funny thing is, i'm at peace with myself. i guess i'm doing the right thing after all.