%%- when you're awfully low and when the world is cold... go get some sleep and everything will be ok tomorrow. %%- 韋瓦第的<四季>, 又叫<女人> %%- 春去秋來...那一國啊? 夏天呢? 春去夏來啦, 拜託 %%- turning in early, getting up early. i'm gonna be a good boy from...from, well, pertty soon, i hope. %%- 缺風度, 沒學識, 卻具自信, 真是愚昧無知 說我愚昧無知, 放肆 愚昧是我, 放肆也是我 %%- Sanchez, former US military commander in Iraq said yesterday Iraq is a nightmare for US with no end in sight. hasn't it been obvious all along? he forgot to mention it's a bigger nightmare for Iraq and it's people! enemies were in Afganistan and along Pakistan border but Bush decided to attack Iraq to PROMOTE FREEDOM. how brilliant. Sanchez also criticized lack of leadership among Democrats in war opposition.