%%- 多年前, 在電視裡看一項歐洲小提琴大賽 一位亞裔美國青年, 自選曲賽項中, 輕快的拉了一首精采絕倫的bluegrass(藍草樂), 評審員面面相覷, 不知所措, 看得我大笑 bluegrass是美國獨有的鄉村樂, 歐洲樂人似乎不知帕格尼尼﹑柴科夫斯基等人外, 小提琴尚可奏出其他的美麗音符 他們那神色, 就像塞了本<天龍八部>給孔老先生, 看得他張口結舌目瞪口呆 就算海飛茲﹑帕爾曼拉bluegrass吧, 他們拉得出那個味道嗎? %%- Adaptation From "Enjoy Yourself" you work and work for years, always on the go never take a minute off, too busy making dough you think someday you'll have your fun when you become a mllionaire imagine all the fun you'll have in your old rocking chair you never go to niteclubs and you just don't care to dance you don't have time for silly things like moonlight and romance you only think of dollar bills tied neatly in a stack but when you kiss a dollar bill, it doesn't kiss you back