%%- 不想被呼來揮去, 卻又須靠人家, 難怪辛苦了 女性要經濟獨立, 長期的經濟獨立 許多男人像老闆, 心情佳對妳好一點, 不然沒什麼好臉色, 有妳無妳皆可, 碰到大股東則態度奇佳, 賤的話還畢恭畢敬, 一臉諂媚 可努力的空間很大, 女性同胞尚須努力...當股東不要當員工 當了股東, 不宜強悍, 對老闆還是溫柔些啦 %%- 總說別人搞不清楚狀況, 最近好像自己搞不清楚 但我是那麼的依常理行事, 有狀況的應該是對方 嗯, 我很確定 %%- man: I'll give you a ring shortly. lady: I can't possibly accept that. man: I mean I'll call you soon. lady: But my name is not Soon. (Golden Girls) %%- KMT, Communist Party, and DPP may be as different as the colors blue, red, and green. But they're probably more similar than different. They all had noble aspirations and high ideals in the beginning. Once in power they invariably became corrupt, authoritarian and rotten. Of the 3, DPP deteriorates the fastest. |