“Suspension” means “hanging.” There are usually two or more towers which hold up very strong cable. The ends of the cables are fastened at each side of the river. The bridge hangs down from the cables. The longest and most famous suspension bridge is the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco in the U.S. The other kind of steel bridge doesn’t have cable. It is made in a number of different parts. Each ready-made part is very strong and joins on to the next part. One example of this kind of bridge is the Kuan-tu Bridge (關渡大橋) across the Tam-sui River in the northern part of Taiwan. There are 337 days till 2009. @};- %%-2008/01/27 離2009年還有338天. 想起一首英文老歌[惡水上的橋] 日記於是寫有關於[橋]的二三事 溜狗是一件愉快的事 以至於忘了時間 坐在電腦前時 已經來不及po好不容易才寫好的日記 Yahoo真是小心眼 一分鐘都不給等X( @};-