There are 349 days till 2009. A boy student asks me where does “OK” come from?:-? “OK” is one of the most commonly used terms in American English. Because this pair of letters is so easy to write and to say, “OK” has become a popular term in other languages as well. For example, we say “OK” in our daily life often. But where does the term come from? It’s a good and interesting question. Teacher BB tells me there are a number of theories. Some people say that “OK” comes from the Choctaw Native American word “oke” which means “it is.” Others think “OK stand for Orrins Kendall, a company that put its letters on boxes of cookies sent to soldiers in the American Civil War. Another theory is that “OK” comes from the French words “Aux Cayes,” which is a town in Haiti famous for its strong wine. There is little real evidence for any of these theories though.