%%- a jedi could feel the disturbance when a faraway planet in the universe and all inhabitants on it are destroyed by the evil dark force. it doesn't take a jedi to know the atrocities on this little earth in the last two hundred years. nobody feels a thing and nobody gives a damn. silence of the conscience... %%- 一本聖經, 有不同的解讀, 但總的來說, 有個主流看法, 任何與其抵觸的, 雖然信同一位上帝, 都會被看成離經叛道 教條化...這是宗教的可怕處, 正確的解讀, 成為一些宗教權威的專利, 大多信徒也欣然接受, 極少有異議 權威綁架了宗教 有這種現象的宗教或不只一個 雖然政教合一的國家不多, 但宗教還是影響著意識型態和政治, 所以少數宗教權威左右了世界的和諧衝突與戰爭和平 這一切是糟糕又可悲的 %%- i had a dream. in it there's a restaurant called <老宇宙>. now this name is patented and don't nobody use it without my consent.