%%- Bonding with nature? I do that often. What about bonding with oneself? I do that too, consciously or unconsciously, mostly when I'm alone, of course. %%- <文茜詠歎調>, 就像李歐梵的文章一樣, 很對我的胃口 %%- 以前這裡有位珊珊, 算是半路出家的ABC, 她沒中打軟體, 全用英文, 極有自己的風格 後來搬去了雅虎部落格, 開始寫中文, 沒想到更精采, 今天跟她留了句話: "darn! you sure write well, even in chinese." 她不過四十剛出頭, 家庭背景關係吧, 詞句之間, 瀰漫著些張愛鈴那個年代的調調 %%- Here yesterday it's 23C at 1PM noon, 22C at 7PM in the evening...best temperature range possible. Today it's about the same. This isn't Berkeley or Auckland. This is the tropics, near rain forests, next to the equator. %%- 網路的功能與報章雜誌大同小異, 虛擬世界由來已久, 非始自網路 人云亦云, use your coconut, 拜託 |