%%- In Star Wars, Darth Vader, the black knight, was once a young Jedi, trained to uphold justice and protect the Republic. In his quest for power he was tempted by the dark side of the Force. He then betrayed everything he had believed in and became the Dark Lord. He has another name...DPP. %%- 來聖路易探望母親, 好幾天了, 沒網可上 跟電話公司連絡, 訂了寬頻服務, 下星期一她就可上網 跟母親聊天吃飯散步外, 在她書架上拿了五六本書, 同時翻閱著, 沒一定次序的在看, 章貽和的, 蘇雪林的, 余秋雨的, 張戎的, 有些以前翻過, 有些沒看過 我喜歡章貽和的文字...簡潔﹑清楚﹑易讀, 沒花俏, 沒轉彎抹角 另外就是帶母親去弟弟家, 教她如何上網, 她視力不好, 看一陣子眼睛就累了, 但她喜歡閱讀新聞, 而網上新聞較報紙至少快一天 %%- 母親的公寓鄰居, 有位伯母, 八十六歲, 老演員, 當年認識曹禺... |