How long has has not seen you to think where you are at Originally lives in my moral nature accompanies my breath Has the far distance to think can't Heard your breath Who knew your back such long turns head sees you In the past let it pass without enough time Likes your white clouds twining the blue sky from the beginning If cannot forever walk in the same place Also at least the courage hug right which fondly remembers to us Good lets you understand my heart movement the trace Always thought goodbye you also try to inquire your news Originally you live in mine body protect my recollection 習慣在這樣的夜裡,威士忌+冰塊,點著一根最喜歡Boss的香煙,靜靜的回想著過去的奢靡,心是不變的空虛,在一個人陌生的城市,期盼著有一天終會遇到,生命中那個對的人... 飛機帶走我的思念... 小陳