%%- 前幾年, 一位朋友讀高中的女兒放學後興致沖沖的跑回家, 說那天聽到了一首超棒的新歌, 然後就開始唱給她聽, 唱了兩三句, 媽媽也跟著哼了起來, 女兒訝異的說,『ㄝ, 妳怎麼會的?』朋友說『我也是高中時學的ㄚ』, 原來那首"新歌", 是 John Denver 所作, 由 Peter, Paul and Mary 唱紅的1969年老歌 "Leaving On A Jet Plane" 也是幾年前, 看到蔡依琳在電視上受訪時說,『Beatles...他們的歌我聽過, 好棒ㄛ, 是在紐約的學校裡, 老師上課時放給我們聽的...』, 我的天 所以我說嘛, 市場是不推銷過去的, 因為無利可圖 一切由市場機制來決定? 別開玩笑了, 那支隻無形的手, 有時須拽他一把, 有時須推他一把 %%- Market doesn't promote the past. There's no profit in doing that. Profit of the past had mostly been realized long ago by someone else. %%- One can now watch Patsy Cline singing her signature song "Crazy" on YouTube. Isn't that great? |