There are many funny camel jokes, but some are dirty jokes. A cute one goes saying: Daddy camel and baby camel out for their evening walk, “Daddy, why do we have s such large, splay-padded feet?” “Because we need them to walk on the hot desert sand to stop us sinking in the sands.” “Why do we need that film over our eyes that other animals do not have? “So that we can shield our beautiful big eyes against the raging desert sand-storms.” “Why do we have that big hump on our backs then?” “To store water when walking through the hot desert because there aren't many oasis` around here.” “Oh! I see. So what the so-and-so hell are we doing in this here zoo?”
Don't need the humps in the Zoo!!!:))
Camels are commonly known for their ability to carry heavy things across vast deserts without need for water for days. While...