%%- if a mutual or hedge fund gurantees a minimum annual return of 20% with a 25% profit sharing, how much investment money would be pouring in? much. so much so that very soon the fund has to stop taking in new investor funds because the amount would've been so huge that there aren't many markets left for it to play so that a relatively small return of 20% per annum would become a rather tough task to accomplish. %%- 且說那賓大史丹福哈佛等老牌學府, 就像少林武當大派, 拳腿刀棍樣樣皆通, 而<雷鳥國際企管研究院>, 正是華山一派, 獨沽一味, 專攻一門, 以劍法獨步天下, 一套<獨孤九劍>, 縱橫江湖, 什麼葵花寶典, 吸星大法, 全非敵手 只是在下資質愚鈍, 九式劍法沒一式學精, 只好遠離江湖, 浪跡天涯 %%- 在天涯做些什麼呢? 耕點地, 澆澆水, 種些樹, 圖個溫飽, 然後高分貝批評世上不公義之事, 因為它們令我不爽 咦, 這不正像古代清官被貶至邊陲小縣, 或遭逼辭官歸故里後幹的事嗎? |