%%- 男人, 女人... 男人銀多, 女人情深 劉嘉玲看上的是郭台銘的經商才華? 阿諾.施瓦辛格還是女同性戀咧! %%- militias, fighters, insurgents, terrorists, civilians, Shiites, Sunnis, soldiers, police, insurgents dressed in police uniforms... can anybody tell who's who in Iraq nowadays? Bush said withdrawal from Iraq would be disastrous, as if the invasion of Iraq hadn't caused any disaster yet. 4 British soldiers, including 2 women, were killed yesterday when the vehicle they're in struck a powerful roadside bomb. Blair said the bomb in the terrorist act could have been provided by Iran. UK sold weapons to Israel that were used to kill Palestinian civilians. so that was a peace loving act as opposed to terrorist activity then?