%%- Now, about this hi-fibre cheese cake thing... Not only is it rich in cheese, but also in grains, seeds and nuts. It has sunflower seeds, seasame seeds, hazelnut, oat, wheat, almond, bran flakes, and pistachio. The menu says it's "low in trans-fatty acids," and even claims that it "reduces the risk of heart disease." Let me summarize it all...In a nutshell, cheesy, nutty, yummy, and VERY, VERY brave! %%- More than 90% of futures traders lose. Part of the loss goes to the few winneres. The rest goes to support the huge futures industry in the form of commission, fees, levies, etc., and things like seminars, lessons, books, magazines, newsletters, and charting, quoting and news services, all of which too are part of the industry. %%- "In trading futures, you deal with now." Bravo, Seykota. |