%%- 起來,不願做奴隸的人們...我們一齊買塊匾額,送給扁家偽王朝: ---<<鈔票所至 金石為開>>--- %%- never say "it's only money!" money is important, if not to you, to many families and struggling folks out there. %%- 6:25 AM...people are getting up. i'm also up. i've stayed up. am i or am i not still going to sleep at this hour? an insomniac's constant dilemma. %%- happiness is a state of mind and a matter of attitude. sometimes you're already happy simply by having the right attitude. %%- there are as many ways to trade various markets as there are traders. in outright futures trading, BIG money is made by catching a trend. "big" in terms of percentage return on capital. the smaller the capital, the easier. a 5 to 10 fold return isn't uncommon for some in my circle of small traders when a multi-month trend is caught.