%%- thoughts of a great trader, words of wisdom: 1) people often hope and pray their trades are not wrong. why? because those trades are not right. wrong trades don't make traders feel they've been right. good trades do. 2) the BEST indicator ever is a wrong trade that affords one the opportunity to immediately choose the right direction. a wrong trade here is one that doesn't prove to be correct. waiting for a trade to be proved wrong by having it stopped out often means sizable loss. %%- 陳昨日慶祝319, 吃了碗彈彈麵...不, 擔擔麵 子彈與鮪魚肚的秘密約會, 會心的微笑, 美麗的擦肩而過 凡親過必留下脣印, 凡擦過必留下痕跡 微鮪魚肚, 扁期一任矣, 不至民到於今仍受其害 %%- 目前台灣須需李光耀式強人 強人式管理, 政治再穩定, 官員再清廉, 政府再有效率, 經濟再繁榮, 治安再好, 整體最多也只能給個75分 問題是台灣目前50分都不到