:(Midnight...雷雨交加~水災又來? [-o<天佑寶島儘少損毀(可憐”卡玫基”餘傷未復) ~o) Finally! @-)完ㄌ Nicolas Cage主演ㄉ "Next ”(TV)~ 懸疑緊張扣人心弦! ....有一幕 鬼斧神工ㄉgrand canyon~:-?....下趟返美應try一次"glasses walk"看看? ”x情人”(city of angels)中ㄉ經典名句~I'd rather have had ...one breath of her hair, one kiss of her mouth, one touch of her hand....than an eternity without it”他不後 悔由angel貶為凡人_for "love" =D>媲美”Ghost”(第六感生死纞) 自從幾年前看ㄌ他與 約翰屈伏塔 合作ㄉ”face off” 就愛上他....ㄉmovie啦8-} P.S_其他電影有Moonstruck, con air, Snake eyes, the rock, leaving Las Vegas, bringing out the dead.... "Next"_關鍵下一秒 =D>譯ㄉ真貼切