1) while the chens are lying through their teeth, people are paying through the nose. 2) how i procrastinate is beyond anyone's imagination. not that i want to or because i'm lazy. there's a good reason. my conscience is clear. 3) very few people focus more intensely than i do. even Homer sometimes nods. i do no such thing when i focus. 4) 主觀到認為自己很客觀, 夠主觀了。 5) 人生性懶散。 天天做著心不甘情不願之事, 尋個空檔回歸本性, 謂之休閒。 6) the doggone truth is men are born lazy. taking a break back to being one's natural self from involuntary chore...they call it relaxation. 7) 有些人永遠抓不住事情的重點, 有些人永遠看不見自己的缺點。 難怪有人永遠沒進步。 8) 馬的辦事能力似乎不及宋的一半, 陳的辦事能力也不及李的一半。 固然是後浪推前浪, 只是一蟹不如一蟹, 一浪不如一浪。