There are 125 days till 2008. We arrive Splendor Hotel (金典酒店) around 3:00pm. Splendor Hotel is my first choice. Besides the wonderful indoor or outdoor facilities and yummy breakfast, the large window providing a view of the harbor always appeals me. In the evening, we go to Dream Mall (夢時代) for a window shopping. Dream Mall, the first large-scale shopping mall in the south, is a place that combines shopping, leisure, dining, arts and culture. The main building, called the "blue whale building", is, well, blue and wave-shaped. There is also a 36-carriage Hello Kitty Ferris wheel and it is closed due to the typhoon. We have traditional snack as our dinner. Tasty but a little bit expensive. Taking high speed train to go home is a whole new experience for us. We must say... @};-