1) Never cease to desire. But expect less. You'll be a lot happier. 2) 股市獲利的方法策略...這類書藉文章, 汗牛充棟 大致來說, 有基本分析與技術分析, 後者又稱圖表分析 個個作者都說得天花亂墜, 但賺錢不易, 知易行難 期市匯市與股市分別不大 唯其可長可短, 可買可空, 資金可杠桿式操作, 一分錢訂十分貨, 所以風險與回報率較大 3) ---好文章--- 有些年輕人的日記, 簡潔流暢易讀, 文情並茂 李敖說得好: 如果今天的人寫白話文, 還比不上五四時代人物, 那不是太沒進步了嗎? 我就喜歡看年輕人好 4) ---臭文章--- Like I said, A-bian isn't full of it. He is it. But what is "it"? Must I paint the picture? OK... A-bian isn't full of SH*T. He is SH*T. Shall I elaborate further? There are peripherals, like his family, comrades, lackeys... They're symbiotic, like worms, flies and all that stuff on that pile of SH*T. |