1) ------談賤------ 軟釘子也不是什麼好東西 不過比起悶棍 味道稍好些許 做人有時要 mean 明槍暗箭, 悶棍軟釘, 一律雙倍奉還 為什麼說人賤呢? 大家都欺善怕惡嘛 2) ------Speechlessly Moved------ After all he'd done, A-bian said he did everything for Taiwan. How uplifting to hear him say that. I was almost moved to tears. Oh dear, is there anything he can't do? If I could be of any help to make him the 3rd term president, please, don't hesitate to let me know. 3) ------The Rap King------ When hip hop king Muhammad Ali began to go downhill in his boxing career, he had more styles than substance. But A-bian always has more styles than substance. He's the hip hop president. He's also damn good at rambling. Rapping, I mean. 4) Election is top priority. People? It's an after thought.