1) brash people...time to write them off...no point putting up with anything unpleasant better still, i shall keep away from people with different tastes, values, logic, attitudes, mentality, or styles, in real life or anywhere else. 2) christmas is a religious occasion for christians. i don't see why non christians should be celebrating anything other than treating it as a holiday and a day off. party, dancing, food, wine, music, gifts...they're all fine. but don't do it in the name of christmas. 3) 要我懷疑吳淑珍昏倒於法院是秀, 毫無困難 扁營喊"狼來了"已經N次, 有那次是真的? 4) "chalie brown...he's a clown...why is it everybody always picks on me?" i bet "charlie brown" is a-bian's favorite song. 5) golden people dream of golden dreams. rotten people dream of rotten ones.