There are 162 days till 2008. A world without clocks or watches is almost impossible to imagine. Nowadays, we don’t think twice about checking time on our wrists or in our computers. But long ago, when telling time was not so convenient, people relied on other ways to tell time. One way was by using the sun. They’d look to see where the shadow was in relation to tall objects, such as trees. As the shadow moved, people got some idea of the time. Eventually, however, they moved to making sundials. But this still meant no one could tell time on a raining day. Later, candles were used as an indicator of time by making marks on the candle to show half an hour or an hour had passed. Another way people told time was by using the hourglass. When tilted lover, the sand runs to the bottom half through a hole until the top is empty, showing that an hour had passed..... @};-