離2008年還有175天. 玩小遊戲好像會讓我的電腦lag. 日記花了好久的時間才po上來, 結果時間又趕不及了.:( @};- %%-2007/07/07 There are 176 days till 2008. What a coincidence! There are 4 “7” for today. Are you lucky today? Why 7 is considered lucky? Every time you hear a lucky 7. Why. Why only 7 and not 5 or 3. Some natural phenomena support the notion that seven is important. For example, the moon changes phase every seven days and seven phases of the moon are visible. We see seven colors in the rainbow and the seven musical notes of the diatonic scale (do, rei, me, fa, so, la, te) are considered the most pleasing to the human ear. Of course, seven is not always lucky ~ The Seven Year Itch.:)) Am I right?:-? @};-