1) sometimes i feel like i'm a bit of a loner. but after some analysis, i realize it's just that i'm capable of and sometimes even enjoy being alone. 2) more and more people want to keep a long distance relationship with a-bian. they want him to "go to hell." 3) 施民德, 紀萬生, 李遠哲, 林義雄等, 這麼遲才站出來反貪腐, 反濫權, 嚴格的說, 不是後知後覺, 就是未將群眾利益放在第一優先, 比起胡忠信, 許信良等人實在差遠了, 不過當然比不知不覺麻木不仁者, 或繼續助紂為虐的保皇黨及皇家鷹犬要好 大毒草把他連根拔起, 牛鬼蛇神將其全打入地獄!