There are 240 days till 2008. Of course, Jamie wanted to know what was possible. “I’m good for something,” he thought. And as he wondered about this, he began to notice other people. He didn’t focus on their looks, or their talents, though. Instead, he noticed their needs. He began to realize that many people-even very talented ones – had trouble of pain in their lives. So he decided to find ways to help people. He decided to care. Jamie’s first opportunity to care came up in math class. Jamie noticed that his teacher, Mrs. Hebert, was having a bad day. The class wasn’t paying attention and she looked really discouraged. After class, as Jamie left the room, he secretly dropped a little not on Mrs. Hebert’s desk. It simply said, “Mrs. Hebert, I appreciate what you do for us. I think you’re a great teacher.” When Mrs. Hebert read the note later... @};-