~~~:x We are in LA right now, enjoying the beautiful weather and packing up all of our cute baby presents (lots of pink!) for the return home to san francisco. XXX and his mom planned an amazing baby shower for me yesterday! It was so fun to see our friends from high school, and hang out with my brother. >:D<住舊金山ㄉ小女兒~今天在她ㄉ部落格"my bunblog"這樣寫著~ 原來;;)~我ㄉ親家夫婦趁她們返回洛杉磯時~神秘ㄉ邀請一些高中同學(小女與女婿唸同所高中palos verdes high)張羅佳餚禮物~辦ㄌㄍ"surprise baby shower picnic"(歡迎即將誕生ㄉ小寶寶)~~真讓我感動[-o<不得不佩服老美長輩?見xsweet & thoughtful!