3) in one cafeteria i followed my friend into, he ordered some fruit with white, cream-like stuff in it. looked yummy. so i was given the same thing after i said "make it two"
and for the following 37 years ever since that day, i've never again touched that "white, cream-like stuff"
it was one of the most terrible thing i've ever tasted...cottage cheese
two semesters later. i took another greyhound bus to New York City to look for a summer job
we made a stop at Toledo bus station. as i was walking around in the station, a black policeman in uniform approached me, with eyes wide open, paused and very curiously asked "you a Chinaman?"
i don't think he meant anything bad. just a bit poor in English and probably had never seen a Chinese before in his life...mid-west, late 60s, what would you expect?
tho' decades ago, these little events somehow are still vivid in my mind