There are 295 days till 2008. I did shopping in Carrefour and waited in line to pay. A weird guy asked me lots of question like how was my mom, how was my new job going…I told him he mistook me for his friend. Is there another person who looks like me somewhere out there? I am not sure but one of my friends told me there are at least 10 people in the world with my face. How scary is that? As far as I know from biology textbook, there is no one in the world that looks identical to me. We may look similar, and have similar traits, but we are not exactly the same. If we stand side by side, we’ll have noticeable differences. I am a product of my mother and father. That means that there had to be a man and a woman who looked identical to my parents, and they magically met each other and had I. Perhaps the guy I met in Carrefour just liked to fall into chat with me:"> @};-