~~>:D<Those Were the Days~~ Once upon a time there was a tavern... Where we used to raise a glass or two Remember how we laughed away the hours... And dreamed of all the great things we would do? Those were the days my friend We thought they'd never end We'd sing and dance forever and a day We'd live the life we choose We'd fight and never lose For we were young and sure to have our way. La la la la... Those were the days, oh yes those were the days.... 從前有小ㄍ酒館...... 我們常去那裡小酌一兩杯 記得我們一直笑ㄉ好開心 並且夢想會做許多大事?..... :x聽著這首歌~想著眾歌友~你們好嗎? :)>-兒子ㄉe~m~提醒明天是usaㄉindependent day~共度好多墔燦閃亮節日ㄉLA老友们[-(I miss U all so much~happy july 4th! :))沒忘給偶ㄉ米國"同胞"送ㄍ禮(網友)同賀國慶~~~(San Francisco)happy babe, Jane, (Los Angels)simon, denny, cathy, jenny,(Washington DC)ruru...